Ross Noble – El Hablador (Newcastle City Hall) Review

Posted on the 25 November 2018 by Caz @LetsGoToTheMov7

Venue: City Hall, Newcastle

Date: Friday 23rd November 2018

This was a gig I had been more than looking forward to for almost a year as I got the ticket as a Christmas present last year, had fantastic seats in the middle of the fourth row and that certainly was a great place to sit and be involved in this crazy off the wall comedy show. Ross Noble being a fellow Geordie was always going to have an extra special reaction doing shows back in Newcastle and I think that certainly added to the occasion.

Ross has a brilliant method of doing comedy and that involves talking to the audience quite a lot. We had Sparkly which stemmed talk of the Glitter factory and that being done by grinding the bones of Liberace to help create it. Then a person called Eh Laura, which was actually just Laura but she didn't sound so sure and was a Disney Princess EhLaura which was hilarious. The brilliant part is being able to come back to those things throughout the show and well into the second half!

He also touched on recent topics, oh yes Brexit had a small mention about checking for a raffle ticket under your seat and you would be the new Brexit Secretary as that is how they are picking now. Along with reliving his Great North Run experience as well as being in a West End show. I mean if you have read my blog before you will be well aware of my obsession with Young Frankenstein the musical, which I saw Ross in 5 times (3 in Newcastle and 2 in London). Something else linked from this gig to the show was the opening video about using your phone, featuring cast members from the show with Hadley Fraser doing the singing to the made up name and song of El Hablador.

It truly was a fantastic evening which made me think about nothing else but laughing at the jokes and the funny ways in which Ross Noble moves around the stage entertaining the audience as he goes. I loved how he would start a piece and then go off on a tangent but then still come back to it in the end. I am sure a lot of this is different each night and reacting to the different hecklers from the audience. I managed to be embarrassed by my brother who tried to head to the toilet as another man did and failed miserably, to make it worse he then left me alone at the interval I had to admit he had a headache and went home 🤦🏼‍♀️ Seriously!

I personally cannot wait to see him do standup again and will be watching out for when the next tour will be, back at the City Hall would be great as it really is such a good venue for comedy. Not too big and not too small, just right I would say. Especially with seats in the fourth row as well!

So an amazingly funny night showing that Ross Noble is a fantastic comedian and can really do so many different things!