Rosie O’Donnell Wants to Get Healthier [Read Thinner]

Posted on the 05 November 2011 by Cynisright @cynisright

11/4/11- by Natasia Langfelder

"Why, Ms. Natasia! Moi? Plan to lose weight for TV? Scandalous! Rosie keeps it real biznitch!"

Rosie O’Donnell was hand picked by Oprah to basically be the face of the OWN Network. Rosie’s show, cleverly named “The Rosie Show” (but…what does it MEAN?! What could this show be ABOUT?!)  has meet with lukewarm critical reviews and even worse ratings. Now the word on the street is that Rosie is planning on pulling a Kirstie Alley and wants to lose weight in order to grab the media’s attention and set a ‘healthy’ example for her audience. Rosie might have taken the first step toward making the leap into skinny by tweeting:

Rosie Rosie O’Donnell

just got weighed at the doctor … dear lord I have to get control of this food – exercise – health … almost 50 years old – so sick of it
Yes…I’m sure it’s all about “health” and not image and totally not planned for a television show. Rosie is trying going to try to slide into this one like an old man into a warm bath. But we can all play this game and in this case, it certainly won’t hurt anyone (I’m looking at you, Kim Kardashian) and might actually help spread some awareness. So don’t be surprised if our perennially pleasantly plump Rosie suddenly slims down.