Romance and Glamour: a Coombe Lodge Wedding Blog

By Claire

Harry and Natasha mar­ried at the very beau­ti­ful Coombe Lodge wed­ding venue in Som­er­set (I had a flurry of sub­mis­sions from Coombe Lodge wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phers recently, which was fab­u­lous!) and chose some of my favorite wed­ding sup­pli­ers — Card­lab you know I love you! — for their day. The images are all by the lovely Richard and Sarah of Cap­ture It Wed­ding Pho­tog­ra­phy.


Who pro­posed, and how?

Harry took me on a steep, muddy walk to the top of Burledge Hill over­look­ing Chew Val­ley Lake on a bright, win­try morn­ing in Novem­ber 2010. A spon­ta­neous walk and wellies in the car may have raised my sus­pi­cions slightly! He got down on one knee and pre­sented me with the most beau­ti­ful dia­mond. He even smug­gled a small bot­tle of cham­pagne up there with him!

Wed­ding venue:

Coombe Lodge, Blag­don, Somerset

Wed­ding photographer:


How would you describe your wed­ding style?

Clas­sic, Ele­gant, Traditional

The wed­ding ceremony:

Reli­gious or civil?


Which read­ings did you choose?

The Pup­pet by Gabriel Gar­cia Mar­quez, Proverbs 31 verses 10–12 and 25–31

The wed­ding reception:

What were your highlights?

Walk­ing in to the wed­ding break­fast room and being so happy at how beau­ti­ful it all looked, 3 won­der­ful speeches (grown men in tears!) Our sur­prise first dance and ‘the lift!’. The won­der­ful ‘Eric’ from Coombe Lodge. Our hand­some nephews!

Venue styling and details:

Flow­ers by Nicky Llewellyn, Rever­ies chair cov­ers, Moss cov­ered table num­bers hand­made by Harry!, Jig­saw piece pla­ce­names made by super brother-in-law Mark Bod­man, Var­i­ous details from Guest book by Aspinal of Lon­don. Beau­ti­ful sta­tion­ary from Cardlab.

Music and entertainment:

Bris­tol String Quar­tet, The Moon Loungers, Har­rys cousin on the grand piano!

What did you both wear:

Natasha – Sasha by Sassi Hol­ford, Harry – Iron­bridge Morn­ing Suit with sage green tie, Peter Posh.

Mem­o­rable moments:

Walk­ing up the aisle beam­ing, smil­ing all the way through the vows, pho­to­stop at the Clifton Sus­pen­sion Bridge, arriv­ing at Coombe Lodge as hus­band and wife and feel­ing very proud to have such won­der­ful fam­i­lies and friends.

Wed­ding day advice:

Enjoy every sin­gle minute, try to min­gle and chat briefly between courses, get good pho­tos taken

Rec­om­mended wed­ding sup­pli­ers: … Cap­tureit, Nicky Llewellyn Flow­ers Ltd, De Gour­nay Wed­ding Cars, Coombe Lodge, The Moon Loungers, Card­lab