Rolling Video into Social Media

Posted on the 05 August 2013 by Scotcombs @3rdplanetmedia

“There is no shortage of social media advice suggesting you should make video a part of your social media efforts. According to multiple sources, online video is increasingly popular and being viewed for longer periods by more people each year. For example, reported the time people spent viewing video increased from 10 minutes a day to 24 minutes a day between 2010 and 2012.

Google’s YouTube platform is watched closely as an indicator of where online video has been, and where it might be headed. According to Google, people watch more than 6 billion hours of video on YouTube each month, and 100 hours of video are uploaded every minute. It might surprise you to learn that 70% of YouTube’s traffic originates outside the United States. 

In its announcement on May 1, 2013 that the video sharing service hit one billion monthly visitors, YouTube released this anthem-driven video to celebrate the community that has grown up around the platform.

 It naturally follows that all the interest in video also spawns interest in how to use it for advancing brands, advertising, making connections with potential customers and clients, and ultimately for expanding social media reach. For three years in a row, YouTube has topped the list of social media networks where marketers are increasing their efforts, according to Social Media Examiner’s annual social media marketing report.” More>>>