Roles of a Women

Posted on the 10 September 2013 by Naveedkhan

Ever considered: what are the roles of a women??

A women has thousands of roles to play in this world.

  • mother
  • sister
  • daughter
  • daughter in law
  • sister in law
  • teacher
  • trainer
  • friend
  • life partner

but the basic role of a women is Abd‘  which we usually forget.

A women is the role model for her daughter.

She is the one who produces babies and she is the trainer of her children.

  • A women should create balance between her family and deen.
  • She should create balance between her family as well as deen.
  • She should create balance between Huqooq Allah (the rights of Allah) and Huqqoq-al-Ebaad (rights of the people).

If the women ignores any of the above, she will create a disturbance in her life as well as disturbance in the balance.

She should try to take every step in life with WISDOM.

If the women will create a balance in every step of life, she will be the most successful women.

Allah S.W.T. has told us to recite this dua very frequently:-