Roissy’s Stupid PUA Site

Posted on the 29 July 2014 by Calvinthedog

Mr. Subservive:

Robert Stark is a real piece of work. He just got his ass handed to him by Roissy.

As if I care if Roissy, Tool of all Tools, hands anyone’s ass to him.

Roissy’s site is truly horrifying, and the man is simply a monster. He’s the biggest asshole in the known universe. Most of his commenters are orbiting him hoping to bask in the narcissistic glow he gives off. They are also trying to be an even bigger asshole than Roissy, and that’s probably not even possible. I mean not physically possible. I mean there is probably a law of physics that prevents any man from being a bigger dick than Roissy.

That Roissy is in his early 40’s (?) is particularly pathetic. No man should still be this angry and especially this mean that far into life.

By age 40, almost all humans have been kicked in the ass about a million times that they finally figured out that their shit stinks after all. Most normal levels of narcissism tend to fade around age 40.

By that I mean that it is normally for a teenage boy to be narcissistic. Many to most young men in their 20’s, especially the more successful ones, are insufferably arrogant assholes. In serious cases, the dickheadedness extends into the 30’s. Certainly there are a lot of extremely huge headed mean from age 30-33 or so. I figure from age 33-40, this sort of thing slows down somewhat.

By age 40, there aren’t a whole lot of showboats anymore. Everyone’s been humbled one too many times. The only remaining narcissists after age 40 are the real hardcores, the true, pure pathological narcissists.

Roissy’s still got an ego bigger than the planet Jupiter, and he’s heading towards age 45. Massive red light. Roissy = severe narcissist. In fact, I suspect that Roissy, just reading him for years now, has Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Don’t fret now. The Net is full of NPD’s. You can’t blog unless you are fairly narcissistic already anyway.

That site simply bristles with sheer meanness. The commenters are the same way. Would you actually go to a party full of cumdrunk assholes like that? Would you dare set foot in a bar full of hotheaded young fools like that? I wouldn’t. I don’t cotton much to assholes.

Roissy’s lesson from the very start has been penultimate narcissism. Be Like Me. Follow Roissy, Your Leader. Imitate The Roissy God. Bow At His Feet. Read His Roissy-Biblical Tomes. Breathe Deep In The Overwhelming Essence Of Sheer Roissyness.

Since Roissy is an asshole, his main lesson since he started has been teaching young men to be all the dick you can be. Be an asshole. Be like Roissy. So you have a Roissy column, a belching retch of ugliness, sadism and assholery, and then you have the comments following, where all the commenters try to see if they out-dick even Roissy. Hey! It’s an asshole contest already!

Roissy unfortunately has started to butt his nasty little head into the comments, splattering little drops of cruelty disguised as wisdom here or there. He has to pop up in the comments threads to show you he’s still alive and to frighten you. You read one of his articles, and you are aghast. Please tell me this guy died after he wrote this!, you think. Please don’t tell me I have to share the planet with this Tool!

And just to rub it in, he pops up like an evil little jack in the box in the comments. Each time he wince at his bile, our heart falls because humanity sinks a little bit lower with every scribble of Roissy’s.

This is a very disheartening website.

I wonder just how many older men hang out on this PUA sites? Seems like it’s mostly young testosterone addicts looking for a score from what I can tell. I would think 95% of older guys would be turned off sheer viciousness of the men on that site. As a man gets older, he’s supposed to purge himself of the angry young man bile. An angry older man is particularly sad case. He’s also a heart attack waiting to happen.

The premise of Roissy’s entire site is completely stupid. Granted, the His Dickness has granted us some bits of genius in the Alpha – Beta – Omega hierarchy, but mostly this was just telling everyone what we already knew but hadn’t exactly formulated properly. But credit where it’s due, and many geniuses (yes, Roissy is a genius) are utterly horrific human beings. Read their Wikipedia entries if you don’t believe me.

But Roissy even gets the Alpha – Beta game all messed up.

Look. This is the way it goes. Probably in any unglued society, the Alphas cannot possibly make up more than 15-20% of the males.

Let us suppose you had a society full of Roissy addicts who had all somehow managed to reach the pinnacle of Alphaness. It would not make sense. Because no society can be all Alpha Male (at least I do not think so). In Arab and Middle Eastern, Russian, Iberian, Latin American and Filipino society, sure, you have a huge % of men playing the “Alpha” game. They look and act like Alphas (especially in Arab and Middle Eastern culture.

But even here, the same 80-20 rule must apply. Suppose a hot woman, instead of being approached by one high-value (Alpha) man a day, she is now being approached by five or six high-value Alpha men a day? What’s she going to do? Bang all the studs and whore it up? You kidding? The 80-20 rule, hard and fast, will continue to apply.

In a society where all of the men act like Alpha Males, females will simply pick off the top ~20%, the most Alpha of the Alphas and most Sigma of the Sigmas, relegate the rest of the regulars to Beta, Delta or Gamma and toss the least Alpha of the Alphas (who are nevertheless very much Alpha men) to the Omega bin.

See how this works? In a culture where all the guys act like Omegas (some NE Asian cultures seem like this) the females will simply cream off the top 20%, the highest and most “Alpha” of the Omega Crew, and cock carousel them. The nerdiest of the nerds, the Omegas of Omegas, will get tossed back as by-catch. The vast majority of the Omegas, exhibiting normal levels of Omeganess, will be placed in the Betasphere.

The sheer insanity of Roissy’s site though, and really all of the lunatic PUAsphere (I include Roosh here too), is that the site is based on the insane premise that any man can be an Alpha/Sigma. All he has to do is try. Nonsense! The pool of high-value men in any society will always be relegated to the top ~20% of men, the Alphas and Sigmas. There are probably no feral societies where this will not be true. It’s almost as good as the Law of Gravity.

Only ~20% of us are going to win. Only 20% of us can win.

Roissy’s site is horrifyingly cruel. They have set up a world where only 20% can win, and fully 80% most lose. These figures will never change no matter how hard anyone plays. How base can you get?

Maybe 20% of men are Alphas/Sigmas, and that number probably cannot increase no matter what. Probably ~15%? of men are tossed to the sexual round file, the sorrowful Omegas. There will probably always be ~15% Omegas no matter how hard anyone tries. And in between, 2/3 of all men, the vast majority of us living our lives of quiet desperation, jonesing for a vicarious thrill fix anywhere we can madly grab one, are doomed, nay, destined, to live the lives of the Beta Type.

60-70% of men in any society will have to fall into the Beta, Delta or Gamma categories. In any society where women roam free and undomesticated, this is how the chips will fall. The Betasphere, the Betas, Deltas and Gammas, are simply average men. Regular men, everyday men, the guy next door, your Dad, your uncle, your brother, Gramps, your boss, your best friend from high school. Most of the males we straight men have loved most in our cut-short lives are simply ordinary Joes, fully undeserving of Roissy’s acidic spittle.

And what in God’s name is wrong with being an ordinary man among men? Precisely nothing. Yet no personage is more reviled on Roissy’s moronic site, or Roosh’s, or any of the others, than this lowly Beta, our fathers and our sons, our brothers and our cousins, all of the men that make up our typical quotidian lives we tap out before we die – all of these great ordinary men are treated with utter contempt on PUA sites, as if they are the lowest of contemptible worms.

This doesn’t make sense. It’s irrational in a game where 80% must lose by statistical law to hate the inevitable losers.

Someone has to win; someone has to lose.

Life goes on.

This, then, is the fatal flaw of the PUAsphere, the lunatic notion that any man can be Alpha or that all men can be Alphas, if only they would just try.

And every man on Earth can be rich, too? When everyone is a millionaire, $1 million and $1.69 would buy you a Slurpee at a 7-11.

Granted there are things to be learned from the most awful of people. And Roissy’s site is awash with what I might call ugly truths. The things about life that are so ugly and cruel and vicious, yet nevertheless so true that we cannot ignore them. On a lode-laden mountain, the ugliest, most dangerous, muddiest, most savage spring floods can bring forth some excellent nuggets worth a pretty penny.

Take what you want or need from these ugly sites, but don’t get caught up in the spite. And don’t forget to wear some face protection on PUA sites. The sheer malign hatred emanating off these sites can literally fly off the screen and pound your face. That stuff stings like acid.

One final note, that this cold-hearted sociopathic character known as Roissy has picked up the cruelest of economic philosophies, Libertarianism, should come as no surprise.

That he added a shocking and virulent form of White Nationalist racism against NAM’s to complement the generous helpings of misogyny he serves up is no shocker either.

Haters gotta hate. In mental health, one notion is that fear spreads. Someone starts out afraid of spiders, and the terror slowly spreads until they are nearly afraid of their shadow, so agoraphobic that and can barely go outside anymore. This is proven well enough to me anyway.

But if fear spreads, then it’s wicked brother Cain, hate, must spread too. People start out hating the guy who beat them at basketball, and eight years down the road, you’re got Eliot Rodger with a semi-auto mowing down blond hotties at the beach.