Rocking Reindeer Christmas Activity for Kids

By Partycraftsecrets @partycraftsecrt
It's no secret that kids love rocking horses and they love Christmas reindeers... so why not combine the two.  Apologies for the poor photo (the weather is truly miserable here), but I think you get the idea;
  • Take one rocking horse.
  • Add a reindeer antler headband.
  • Cut out a red foam nose and stick to both sides of the reindeer's face (an actual round clown ball would have been better, but alas, we had none).
  • And if you have girls as I do, then add on a set of fancy eyelashes made from cupcake liners cut up to look like snowflakes... that's quirky kids for you!
Voila - one rockin' reindeer ready to ride... and they do!
And that's it for me... I woke up with the flu... I'm off to rest... hmmm... as best you can with two toddlers!  Take care and stay well. x