Robotics in Surgery: Advancements and Benefits for Patients and Surgeons

Posted on the 08 April 2023 by Meet Rv @wemeetrv

Robotics have been in use in the field of medicine for about 30 years. It has transformed the feel of surgery entirely, offering several works both to the take patients and surgeons.

Robotic surgery needs minor incident that is good for both patient and surgeon. Also, with the advancement of new robotic blood forms and tools, we see further improvement in the general surgery procedure, making it safer and more reliable. Let’s see what robot surgery is and how it is equally suitable for patients and surgeons.

What is robotic surgery?

Robotic surgery, also famous as robot-assisted surgery, brings many perks to doctors. They can perform complex medical procedures with more precision, control, and flexibility. It was nearly impossible in traditional surgical procedures. Robotic surgery involves tiny incisions and is safer than additional open surgical procedures. The robotic surgical system is easy to understand. It includes a camera on and a mechanical arm with some surgical tools linked to them. 

The human surgeon controls the arm of the robotic surgeon while sitting at a computer near the operating table. The doctor, the human doctor, observes the console in a 3D view. There are also other human assistance surgeons around the operation table to assist with the surgery.

Benefits for both patients and surgeons

Surgeons who use robotic technology enjoy several benefits. They get excellent enhanced 3D visibility and precise control of surgical instruments. This technology has the potential to be excellent for delicate or complex procedures. Due to this usefulness, surgeons can avoid nearby nerves and organs. Let’s see the benefits of robot-assisted surgery for patients and surgeons:

For the patient

Patients may benefit from robotic surgery in several ways over conventional open surgery, including but not limited to the following:

  • Minimally invasive surgery: In robotic surgery, small instruments, rather than a surgeon’s hands, enter the body. This means the incisions can be tiny, often called “keyhole” incisions. These are at most a centimeter in length. Using a screen on one of the robot arms, the surgical robot can delicately manage blood veins, reducing the risk of bleeding.
  • Faster healing: Even though robotic surgery is less intrusive than surgical treatment, the patient’s body can recover more quickly.
  • Minimal incisions mean less blood loss, which means less pain after surgery. Since robotic surgery is more precise due to advanced control systems, patients will feel less pain during and after the procedure.
  • Lower risk of infection: Since robotic processes are less invasive, infections rarely occur.
  • Improved health outcomes: Error rates in high-stakes operations can be reduced with the help of robotic surgery.

For the surgeons

  • Improved performance: Due to the 3D camera and hand that inserts the medical equipment into the patient’s body, robotic surgeries are more accurate, which makes doctors more at ease performing them.
  • More assurance: Surgeons can perform their procedures with more confidence because there are fewer chances for complications and deaths. It is due to the small incisions made on the patient’s body with noticeably less blood loss.
  • Reduced stress: Traditional processes can take a long time and put a lot of strain on your body, causing pain in your shoulders, neck, and back. Since the surgeon only needs to sit at a console and direct the robot’s movements, robotic surgeries are easier on the staff.

Disadvantages of robotic surgery

Robotic surgery has certain limitations. Some of these are:

  • It is a costly technology and is only available in some high-cost medical centers
  • It also requires specially trained surgeons for the purpose. 
  • For specific robotic surgery surgical procedures, your human surgeon has to open procedures with large incisions in case of complexity. It may include scar tissue from your previous surgeries. It makes it difficult for robotic technology to complete the surgical procedure efficiently.
  • There is a risk of nerve damage and compression. Robotic surgery can be miss managed, but it is a rare case. arrear case

New advancements in the robotic surgery field


It means advancements natural of orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery. It is a procedure where surgery is genuinely non-invasive. It helps human surgeons achieve high surgical instrument stability with more flexibility and efficiency. It is successfully applied in significant organ refraction, correctly positioning the instrument and improving image quality.

2. Miniature in vivo robots

It is the latest approach in the surgical robotic surgical field. It was developed by Virtual Incision and the Center for Advanced Surgical Technology (CAST). It is done with the help of a surgical platform which is inserted into the peritoneal cavity. This robot has two arms offering multiple functions with several joints. This process offers scarless surgery, and it is easy to be done by inexpert surgeons under the supervision of veterans. This Robert brings the image of the surgical site from many angles and completes the surgical task both one site and remotely in a successful way. This procedure is comparatively inexpensive, and it is easy to be done anytime, anywhere. It is the best option in medical emergencies.

3. Capsule robots

These robots are miniatures endoscopes. It is helpful in diagnostic test surgeries and drug delivery. This robot allows maximum flexibility, bringing freedom of movement and fast accessibility.

4. Microrobots

This is one of the latest robotic technology in surgery. These robots required no incision at all.


Robots are now busy operating not only in operation theatres but also in almost every setting of healthcare. It has proved beneficial in supporting healthcare workers and enhancing patient care. More and more hospitals are adopting robotic technology to increase efficiency and limit infection exposure. However, there are still some hurdles to fully implementing this technology in health care.