Robotic Exoskeleton Gives Shipyard Workers Superhuman Strength

Posted on the 05 August 2014 by Nrjperera @nrjperera

Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering has developed an amazing Iron Man-style robotic exoskeleton that helps the wearer of the suit do heavy work without even having to shed a drop of sweat.

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These robotic suits weighs 62 pounds, and gets powered by hydraulic joints, electrical motors and powerful battery pack, allowing it to support itself and last for 3 hours of heavy work. Daewoo is currently testing the suit prototypes in the field. Their main goal is to improve the suit to carry at least 220 pounds.

[Via: Robotic Exoskeleton Turns Korean Workers Into Ironman Popular Science]
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Follow @nrjperera – Roshan Jerad Perera