Roborock Dyad Wet and Dry Vacuum Review – A Hands On Test

By Nitrotech

Roborock Dyad Wet/Dry Vacuum Product Overview

Roborock products are a regular on Essential Home and Garden, and it's with good reason. Their products are always innovative, well built, and designed to make life easier. And, I'm very happy to report that the Dyad does not break this tradition.

Roborock is no stranger to cleaning appliances. With their robotic and cordless vacuums well entrenched in the marketplace, the Dyad is Roborock's first wet and dry vacuum cleaner.

It is clear from the design that Roborock has set out to tackle some of the pain points that many consumers have with other wet and dry vac brands on the market. The edge-to-edge cleaning, strong pickup power, and self-cleaning rollers are some great features that most consumers will find well worth the price.

Roborock has offices in Beijing, Shenzhen, Shanghai, and Hong Kong, and its products are available in more than 40 countries.

Let's take a more in-depth look at how the Dyad performs.

How The Roborock Dyad Performs

Cleaning Power

The Dyad cleaning head cleans by spraying water onto the microfiber rollers. The head includes three rollers, a full-width one at the front and two half-width rollers at the back. The front and back rollers spin in opposite directions, which provides a deep clean and helps to clean off even the toughest, driest caked-on debris.

One thing I love about wet and dry vacuums like the Dyad is that they actually pick up and remove dirty liquid/debris from the floor instead of just pushing it around like a traditional mop. Plus, the dirty water is kept in its own tank, and not used to clean the floor again - the water that is sprayed onto the rollers instead comes from a clean water tank-ensuring that the floor is as clean and streak-free as possible.

The nozzle is agile and makes it easy to maneuver around furniture, although it won't fit under low furniture, so you will need to move this manually before mopping.

One of the marketing messages pushed out by Roborock about this vacuum is the fact that there is no "cleaning before cleaning." This means that there is no need to do a vacuum before you mop. The Dyad does it all at once, saving quite a bit of time.

I do need to point out that the Dyad is only effective on sealed floors such as tiles, laminate floors, sealed hardwood, etc. You should not use it on unsealed and porous floors like carpet and unsealed timber.

But the Dyad does do a great job on sealed floors. Our house has dark-colored, glossy tiles that are an absolute nightmare to keep looking clean. When testing the Dyad, I found that it did a great job cleaning off all types of marks (grease, footprints, food stains, etc.) with a streak-free finish. If you ask me, this level of performance is impressive because our tiles are difficult to clean.

There is also an included " Drying Mode," which is designed to clean up water spills. This mode operates the same as cleaning mode, except it doesn't spray water onto the rollers. On my test, it quickly picked up spilled water and left the floor quite dry.

Ok now for the downsides (there aren't many).

The wet/dry vacuum is most effective in the forward pass only. When pulled backward, it doesn't pick up everything up, so plan/change your cleaning path accordingly.

I also noticed that long hair gets tangled in the cleaning head, and while it is advertised as self-cleaning, you will still need to manually remove hair from time to time. Roborock does provide a handy cleaning brush with a cutting tool to make hair removal easy.


As far as functionality and ease of use go, the Dyad really has very few downsides.

The controls are very easy to use. There are a total of 3 buttons, all located on the handle:

  • on/off button
  • Mode switch button (max, auto) which also activates drying mode.
  • Self cleaning button is at the rear of the handle which only operates while the unit is in the dock.

The built-in display screen shows useful information to the user such as the battery charge level, the dirt sensor, and whether the machine is in auto or max mode.

Roborock has also continued the trend of "dirt sensors." The Dyad has a real-time sensor on the display screen that turns from blue to red as it detects higher levels of dirt. The detected dirt level is used to adjust the suction and scrub speed of the unit automatically. Alternatively, you can switch to "Max" mode which causes the unit to run at its highest power the whole time.

Voice prompts built into the Dyad are also quite helpful, with the Dyad letting you know when its time to empty tanks/ refill water and other maintenance tasks.

As far as charging goes, it's simply a case of sitting the machine in its dock and letting it charge.

Now for the only con for this part of the review - the Dyad contains a stand at the rear that pulls out so you can have the unit standing up without toppling over, but it feels like it's about a foot too short - the Dyad sits an angle of about 45 degrees when using the stand.

Battery Life

The Dyad boasts an impressively large 5,000 mAh battery, which gives the unit a run time of about 35 minutes, which, according to Roborock equates to about 3000 sq ft of cleaning - but of course depends on how you use it. Max mode will shorten that battery life considerably.

Because the unit is so efficient at cleaning, I found that the Dyad would clean all our tiled areas in our house in a single charge - which I was quite impressed with.

It is also worth noting that the dirty/clean water tanks will need to be emptied/refilled multiple times in a single battery charge.


Maintenance of the Dyad is straightforward and similar to other wet-dry vacuums that you may have used before.

Before using the machine you will need to fill up the clean water tank. Keep an ear out for the "Fill clean water tank" voice prompt because this can run out quicker than you expect.

After use, return to the dock and run the cleaning cycle and then empty the dirty water tank. Don't leave the dirty water tank full as it will quickly become smelly and start growing things!

The self-cleaning cycle is great and works really well, the machine needs to be on the base for this to function. It effectively cleans the rollers and the hose leading to the dirty water tank and really saves a lot of time when compared to cleaning other brands' wet/dry vacuum manually.

Be sure to take an actual look at the rollers every few clean as you will find that despite the self-cleaning you will need to detangle hair and dislodge the occasional piece of stuck gunk. There is a handy cleaning brush included in the box that helps make this easier.

You will also need to give the dirty water tank a good manual clean once in a while, Running it under some clean water and a quick scrub with the provided brush makes quick work of this.

And lastly, the washable filter which is located on top of the dirty water tank needs to be kept clean. Simply run it under fresh water and let it dry before re-fitting. There is also a spare filter that comes in the box.


It seems that a new appliance is released every second week to help make our lives easier. The Dyad actually does what it promised and it has definitely saved me time.

No longer am I vacuuming, then mopping, and then after all that ending up spotting streaks all over our glossy tiles.

Do yourself a favor, head over to Amazon and grab the Dyad right now - you won't regret it.