Roasted Vegetable Soup (Dairy, Gluten and Grain Free)

By Irene Shaver @hhwife
Our oldest daughter had a big bike fall at the end of this summer.  It caused a lot of damage to her mouth. She lost control down a steep hill, ran her bike into a tree and then scraped her face along the tree trunk.  I won't go into too many yucky details but basically she required some plastic surgery in her mouth and will eventually need some dental work to replace some adult teeth :(  We are thankful it was only her mouth that was affected and not her head, neck or back.
In light of this accident, she has had difficulty eating and has been on soft foods for two weeks already.  It has been a little challenging over here creating food for her, our little guy who has started solids and then the rest of us.  As much as possible, I have been trying to make something we can all enjoy.

This soup was simple to create, tasty and worked for the baby, our oldest, and the rest of us "regular" eaters.  I have since made this soup on numerous occasions, using whatever vegetables I have ready in the garden or in the fridge.
  • 2 onions chopped into eighths
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic
  • 4 chopped carrots
  • 1 diced zucchini
  • 1 cup diced eggplant
  • 1/2 a chopped cabbage
  • 1 diced sweet potato
  • 1 cup diced mushrooms
  • 1-2 cups chopped kale
  • olive oil
  • 4 cups vegetable or bone broth
  • sea salt and pepper to taste
  • water (if needed)

  1. Preheat oven to 400 F.
  2. In two 9 x 13 pans, distribute chopped vegetables, except the kale.
  3. Drizzle the vegetables with some oil, salt and pepper.
  4. Stir vegetables to fully coat.
  5. Roast in oven for 15 minutes.
  6. Add chopped kale, stir together and roast for another 10 minutes or until vegetables are soft and browned.
  7. Puree vegetables until smooth.  Add to a medium size pot.
  8. Add broth and any water if wanting to thin soup.
  9. Heat until boiling, stirring frequently.
  10. Serve.