Roasted Cauliflower in Spicy Tahini Sauce

By Tanvi Rastogi @tanviidotcom

Now that we are done with all the major ingredients in the pantry we (meaning I!) have moved on to the sauces and spices lying in the cabinets or fridge. First up is tahini, which I had purchased to make hummus, which I made for the grand total of one time and have had this sauce staring at me ever since. I decided to use it in my everyday cooking and mix it with other spices, because why not. And let me say this turned out quite good. I might make green beans and carrots in this sauce next. 


1 medium head cauliflower, core removed and cut into florets2 garlic cloves, finely minced1/4 cup tahini1 tablespoon harissa3 dates, pitted and diced1 tablespoon pistachios2 tablespoons fresh mint, chopped1 tablespoon lemon juice1/4 cup water3 tablespoons olive oil1 teaspoon maple syrup


- Preheat oven to 450 degrees. - Arrange a sheet pan with cauliflower and drizzle with 2 tablespoons olive oil. Salt and pepper to taste.- Roast cauliflower for about 20 minutes until tender and beginning to char.- In a large bowl, combine tahini, harissa, garlic, lemon juice, remaining olive oil, maple syrup, and water and whisk until homogenous.- Fold in roasted cauliflower. and half of the mint, dates, and pistachios until combined.- Plate and top with remaining mint, dates, and pistachios.- Enjoy!

Let me know if you try it.