Roald Dahl: The Twits

By Evette Garside @evette77

September is Roald Dahl month.?The very famous and loved children's author who is still as popular today as he was when I was a young girl. Some of his works include well known stories such as Charlie and the chocolate factory, The witches, and Matilda. There is a huge list of fantastic stories by this author which have never been forgotten over the years, but simply updated for children of today.

September is Roald Dahls birthday so hence the Roald Dahl week this week. This year Roald Dahl week is focused on all things "Twits" which is of course yet another of his best selling books.

As you can see there are two books here but they are both the same story. One is hardbacked, the other paper back. The hardback comes with a furry beard on Mr Twit and the paper back version comes with "scratch n sniff" stickers which really do smell and quite foul too.

Lots of vile smelly things here to be discovered and smelt including rotten fish, cheese, and the odd rat.

If you have not yet come across The Twits then it's quite a fun amusing read. The story is of Mr and Mrs Twit. Mr Twit is a foul dirty smelly old man with bits of everything stuck in his dirty long beard. Mrs Twit is a horrible old hag with a glass eye. In the Twits garden is a monkey known as Muggle-Wump and his family who have been kept caged up by the Twits. The monkeys now want revenge.

The idea for Mr Twit and his horrible beard cake about from Roald Dahls dislike of beards. He could never see why a man would want to hide his face behind one and thought beards were disgusting and dirty and always had food caught in them. This is the basis for the character of Mr Twit.

Roald Dahl month is far from over with it ending on Friday 25th September with 2 fabulous school events. The Roald Dahl show can be viewed here.