Risotto with Prosciutto, Rocket & Cream Cheese

By Noblenourishment @NobleNourish

With the winter months looming, I’m delighted to see so many hearty, stodgy, comforting dishes throughout the blogisphere.  There are so many gorgeous stews, casseroles and bakes out there; I’m in my element!

Another meal perfect for the colder evenings is risotto; one of my favourite comfort foods.  If you love risotto too, you should have a gander at my Chicken & Chorizo Risotto, or my Veggie friendly Parmesan & Mushroom Risotto.

This one, however, takes pride of place as my current favourite.  The prosciutto and rocket were on special offer, and the cream cheese was only 59p, so that’s how this recipe came about!

Here’s what I did.

Ingredients (Serves 3-4)

300g Arborio Rice

2 cloves garlic, minced

100g prosciutto (6 slices)

150g rocket salad

100g soft cheese

2 chicken stock cubes in 1ltr water

1 Knorr herb infusion stock pot (optional)

First I fried the prosciutto similar to the way you’d fry bacon, and set aside on some kitchen paper until the end.

You don’t have to cook the prosciutto, but I wanted the crispy texture.

Next, I toasted the risotto and garlic in the meat juices for a few minutes, before adding a ladleful of stock.  I stirred this for a few minutes until the rice absorbed the liquid, then added another ladleful.  I made sure to stir constantly, in case the risotto stuck to the bottom of the pan.

This process continued until the stock was finished and the risotto was Al dente (around 25-30 minutes).  About half way through, I remembered Jan from A Glug of Oil had sent me some Knorr Herb Infusion stock pots, amongst the other goodies I won in her giveaway (thanks again, Jan!).  I decided to pop one straight into my risotto, and it smelled divine; a surprising explosion of flavours!

When the risotto was ready, I took off the heat and added my cream cheese…

After stirring it into creamy wonderment, I stirred in my prosciutto and rocket salad.

I served this with some garlic bread.  It was incredibly tasty!

I’d quite like to experiment with different types of cheeses in my future risottos (I think it would be a good way to try the scary looking ones that a seasoned cheddar-eater like myself usually steers clear of).  Any suggestions?

Also, I’ve recently become (even more) obsessed with menu planning.  I’ve had a spreadsheet for a good year or two now, documenting my meals (I can’t believe I just told you that.  How utterly geeky of me!), but never really looked beyond a few days for my meals.

I’m a massive fan of the Old Style MSE threads, where they all menu-plan to perfection, and I take a lot of inspiration from them.  My newest toy, however, is the menu planner on Big Oven.  Any tips you’d like to share on meal planning?

Have a good week everyone x