Risotto Part 2

By Chocolateandoranges
Dinner was a redux of the katheats risotto I tried awhile back and it was as yummy as the first time (better actually since I over-spiced a bit the first time).  I'm so impressed with this recipe, it's so little work for something that seems restaurant caliber.  Plus it's a leisurely enough recipe that I don't have to do much prep work and can clean as I go- which makes me very happy!  I enjoy food at least twice as much when I'm not eating it while staring at a mess. :)  I froze some last time and it came out pretty good, not quite perfect texture but still yummy, so this time I froze two of the four serving and kept another in my fridge for lunch sometime this week.
Served with coconut oil roasted and cinnamon dusted sweet potatoes for 'dessert'.  (Actually I may be hitting up some ice cream for my REAL dessert).