Rise of the Deva'shi (Parthalan #3) by Jennifer Allis Provost @UFBooks @parthalan

By Lauriej

Blog Tour ~ Rise of the Deva'shi (Parthalan #3)Author: Jennifer Allis ProvostGenre: Fantasy/Science Fiction/ Young AdultTour Dates: 20th-24th of MarchHosted by: Ultimate Fantasy Book Tours


A stolen girl. A legendary champion. A plan that might destroy Parthalan once and for all…

Aeolmar, First Hunter of Parthalan, leads a solitary life. Having long since abandoned his quest to kill Mersgoth—the demon that murdered his family—Aeolmar moves through his days with cold efficiency. Everything changes when he leads a training mission in Brennus, where he’s attacked by Mersgoth himself, and saved by an unlikely heroine.

Latera, first born and heir to Gannera’s throne, is kidnapped and left for dead in Parthalan’s vast forests. A lone human amongst Parthalan’s fae, she makes a home in Brennus, and lives a quiet life—until she finds herself defending a wounded First Hunter from a clutch of demons.

Back in Parthalan, Harek warns Asherah of something called the deva’shi—a warrior loyal only to the demon lord, Asgeloth. Both Aeolmar and Latera suspect that there is more to this deva’shi than what Harek has told them, but before they can learn the truth, Parthalan’s borders are attacked. Will Aeolmar and Latera be able to stop the deva’shi in time, or is it a distraction to hide Harek’s true plans?

RISE OF THE DEVA’SHI – book three of the Chronicles of Parthalan

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TENS LIST10 Things I’ve Learned About Being An Author

1. PROMOTION. Even though I’ve worked as a publicist, and have a degree in marketing, I had no idea of the amount of promotion expected of an author. We need to be constantly updating our blogs, tweeting, friending, and spreading the word about our awesomeness. 2. YOU CAN’T DO IT ALL FROM YOUR LAPTOP. Well, the writing part, yeah, but being an author doesn’t end when you submit your work for publication, or even when you hold the first edition in your hand. Virtual promo is great (check out this awesome blog tour I’m on), but nothing beats getting out there and meeting the readers. 3. SHARE THE LOVE. Promote your fellow authors, and they, in turn, will promote you. Join book clubs, author forums, and retweet like mad. Remember, authors are readers first, and readers are always looking for something new. On that note…4. FAN FICTION: AWESOME YET SCARY. My fans are, without a doubt, the awesomesauce. However, sometimes things get a little weird. For instance, I once received a piece of fan fiction based on Heir to the Sun, book #1 of the Chronicles of Parthalan. Now, what I’d written wasn’t exactly YA, but this piece of writing was bordering on Fifty Shades of Grey. That…was weird. However, the author had written it because she loved my characters, and wanted to explore their feeling for one another. How could I be anything but flattered?5. LIBRARIANS ARE YOUR FRIEND. As are booksellers, coffee shop owners, and anyplace else that might have books laying around. These are the folks who will shelve your work, and spread the word far and wide. I have an author friend who dropped off a copy of her book at her chiropractor; it was an anthology, so it was left out in the waiting room. That one donated copy led to her booking four book store appearances and a library event.6. ALWAYS BE ON THE LOOKOUT FOR NEW MARKETS. No book stores or libraries in your area? Well, you should move. In the meantime, what else is out there? If your book is paranormal or fantasy, contact the local spiritual shop. Faith based? Try church organizations. Amusement park nearby? If your book is geared toward younger readers, ask them if they have story time. If it’s adult paranormal, maybe work out a Halloween event. Really, the only thing limiting you is your imagination.7. DON’T FORGET TO CELEBRATE THE VICTORIES. Your first five-star review, your first blog tour, your first book signing are all important. Post about them on your blog, tweet about them, and have some chocolate (or wine) to celebrate. 8. DON’T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF. Hey, bad reviews happen. Like any form of art, literature is subjective, and no matter how awesome your work is not everyone will enjoy it. And, it’s okay to have a little chocolate (or wine) to lift your spirits.9. ATTEND CONFERENCES, CONVENTIONS, AND OTHER EVENTS. Yep, I’m advising you to get out there yet again. Networking with other authors will not only help your career, you’ll hear all about the things we don’t post on line: which publishers offer better advances, what editors are great to work with (and who to avoid), and other juicy tidbits. Besides the behind the scenes info, you’ll also get up close and personal with those who may have shaped your career. Why, I once got into a heated debate with Tamora Pierce (yes, that Tamora Pierce) about The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley. Which leads me to the best piece of advice I’ve ever gotten…10. YOUR FRONT LIST SELLS YOUR BACK LIST. Many moons ago, I self-published my first book, and it was a hot mess. I literally knew nothing about publishing, and as this fact was becoming crystal clear I was freaking out. At an event for Holly Black and Cassandra Clare, I had a moment to speak to Ms. Black and shared that I thought I’d wrecked my writing career before it had even started. You know what she said?“Write something else. Your front list sells your back list; the more you put out there, the more notice you’ll get. Trust me, in a few years people will want to see your earlier works, no matter what they’re like.”I took her advice. Eight novels later, here I am.Did I know everything when I started out? Not by a long shot. But man, I’ve enjoyed learning.
Author Bio:
Jennifer Allis Provost is a native New Englander who lives in a sprawling colonial along with her beautiful and precocious twins, a dog, two birds, three cats, and a wonderful husband who never forgets to buy ice cream. As a child, she read anything and everything she could get her hands on, including a set of encyclopedias, but fantasy was always her favorite. She spends her days drinking vast amounts of coffee, arguing with her computer, and avoiding any and all domestic behavior.
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