RIP Steve Jobs: The Best Visual Tributes to Apple’s Visionary

Posted on the 06 October 2011 by Periscope @periscopepost tribute to Steve Jobs

As Steve Jobs tributes flood in, some feel that the best way to honour a man who changed the visual landscape of the 21st century is through powerful images, not words. Here’s the best of the (growing) bunch.

Apple stores. Apple devotees have rushed to the apple stores across the world to pay their respects, The Daily Telegraph reported:

Outside an Apple store in Pasadena, California

And this tribute was left in London, reported Time Out

Designers. Jonathan Mak made this elegant transformation of the Apple logo:

While this collage tribute has sprung up on Twitter:

A man of many creations

iPhone. One of the most elegant tributes made full use of the iPhone, arguably Jobs’ greatest creation.

While the delightful irony of this tweet from the Westboro Baptist Church overshadowed the hatred it tried to convey:

Photo credit: @ GeniusBarTales

Websites. In response to the news, several websites have dedicated their homepages to the ex-CEO of Apple. BoingBoing remembered the original Mac interface design, Wired committed their homepage to a black remembrance of the man, while Google added a simple note to their minimalist site, recognising the loss of a great innovator.

Web giants BoingBoing, Wired and Google remember Jobs