RIP: Peter Mittelstaedt (1929-2014)

By Wuthrich

One thing that happens when one updates the list of philosophers of physics is that one comes across people who have left the field, and people who have left us. Five days ago, on 20 November 2014, Peter Mittelstaedt died. His Wikipedia page does not yet reflect this, and I didn’t find any obituary, but Guido Bacciagaluppi passed on these words from Paul Busch (I hope Paul doesn’t mind my sharing them here):

“It is with great sadness that I have to announce that Professor Peter Mittelstaedt passed away last night after a short period of illness, just days away from his 85th birthday. He was a founding member of IQSA [International Quantum Structure Association] and President from 1994-1996. Peter Mittelstaedt was an outstanding scholar, an exemplary academic and to many of us a fatherly mentor and friend of many years. We will miss him very much.”