Rioting at Trump Rallies, 2015

Posted on the 04 February 2017 by Calvinthedog


Put together by Trump supporters. Most footage from Fox News and local channels. It is said to be a compendium of video of the violence that Trumpsters have been “suffering” for about a year now.

That’s fake news right there.

Most of the video appears to be from a large Trump rally in San Jose that took place last year, I believe in the Spring. There was some pretty serious rioting at the rally from anti-Trumpsters.

Black bloc antifa are present but only in very low numbers.

Instead the rioters are regular Californians, mostly young people. Most of the rioters and protesters are Hispanics, and I would gather that almost all of them are Mexican-Americans. Chicanos in other words. I can assure you that there were few to no illegal aliens at that rally. I know how illegals look and act, and further, the language of the protesters is all or almost all perfect unaccented English. The only accent you can here is “Barrio English,” which is just a dialect of English adopted by Chicanos, almost all of whom have English as a first language. The dialect is an affectation and is not the result of interference from Spanish.

There are broadly two types of Chicanos, where Chicanos refers to mostly 2nd and 3rd generation Mexican Americans especially in California. These people have traditionally been ~70% White and ~30% Indian. The more Indian types have come in large numbers only in recent years.

These Chicanos are all native English speakers, and by the third generation, most no longer have fluent Spanish skills. So the language is going out in the 3rd generation, which is typical for any assimilating US immigrant group. These Chicanos are assimilated Americans in that they for the most part have given up Mexican culture for American culture. They retain somewhat more conservative values as far as sexual activity (favoring monogamy, especially for the females), sex roles (traditional roles are preferred), family ties (the family structure is usually very strong), and respect for elders (still strong, especially for parents).

The problem is not that Chicanos are not assimilating. It is that they are assimilating to something lousy. A lot of them assimilate to Barrio Culture. This is a subculture that is heavily gang-involved and is present in a lot of the poorer Chicano neighborhoods. However, many other Chicanos, even those who live right next to the barrios, are assimilating more or less to regular American culture, and they act little different from you, me or any other White person, which the exception of some the conservatism you see above.

This crowd is clearly a mix of Barrio types and more assimilated Chicanos. The Barrio types are mixed between overtly gang-involved types and others who are simply barrio dwellers who are not gang-involved.

Believe it or not, not everyone in a barrio is a gang member. Gangsters are only a small group, mostly young men, and most of them stay in the game for only a few years, often on the fringes, before they marry at age 18-23+, move in with a woman with kids or have kids or their own, and retire, usually completely, from gang life. Most so-called gang members are just wannabes who form their own fake sets by claiming a legitimate gang and try to say that they control some neighborhood. They are considered poseurs by the true gang members who might beat them up if the poseurs tried to claim the gang because all true sets have to be approved by the official gang in the area.

Even among the wannabes, most are not even members of the fake set. Instead they are hangers-on or so-called gang associates, who much outnumber gang members. Most of these types see almost no inter-gang warfare, do not spray much graffiti and do not victimize neighbors. They’re just trying to look hard by claiming Nortenos or whatever.

There are also quite a few of the more assimilated Chicanos mixed in with the Barrio types. Barrio Chicanos are pretty hard and tough, and you do not want to mess with them. Many have street gang experience. Beatings, knifings and shootings are quite common and Barrio Chicanos kill an awful lot of people, mostly rival gang members. Police often call these crimes as “NHI” or “No Humans Involved.” They are also referred to as “Public Service Killings.” It’s just one scumbag killing some other scumbag and doing society a favor in the process.

Most of the violence here seems to be coming from the Barrio types. These people have few inhibitions and low self-controls. They get riled up very easily. If these Barrio Chicanos ever start rioting over Trump, it is not going to be pretty. These guys don’t mess around.

There are also some militant young people there, often young White women. But these are in the minority. These are more or less university-aged SJW’s.

I was very surprised to see ordinary White SJW’s, Barrio Chicanos and Assimilated Chicanos burning US flags. I’m not sure if I have ever seen them do that before. That’s not a good sign, as a lot of these folks are pretty assimilated. When a lot of your assimilated, relatively nonpolitical citizens start burning your flag, that’s a bad sign for your country.

Some of the video also shows what looks like anti-Trumpsters blocking a highway in Arizona to try to stop a Trump rally there. This happened over the summer.

Bottom line is this is not the Left or liberals or even Democratic Party people. These rioters young people are on the fringes of active politics, if they even vote at all, and many of them don’t even bother to do that. This is more of an out and out ethnic riot between two ethnic groups, Chicanos and their White supporters versus mostly White Trumpsters. Sort of a Chicanos vs. Whites street battle if you wish. On the other hand, more or less openly ethnic riots pitching mostly one ethnic group against another is not a good sign at all. That is called ethnic strife, and it can lead to some pretty bad things, like Yugoslavia.