Rings n Veils Forest Bridal Shoot

By Claire

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How can I introduce today’s English Wedding blog feature? Well… it’s for me. It’s a bridal shoot that I want to be in. Or maybe I want to be it. It’s striking, stunning, different and inspiring. It’s a confidence thing, about nature and being in your element. It’s about being a gorgeous bride and therefore beautiful. (All photo credits: Rings n Veils wedding photography)

It’s about fairytales. But not fairytales with a simpering princess who needs rescuing… fairytales with a strong princess, a gorgeous heroine who’ll have an adventure all of her own and win your heart. A fairytale, perhaps, where the forces of nature are enchanting and captivating and mother nature plays a vital role.

I love fairytales – my dad brought me up on fantasy fiction and I love stories like this. When I saw this bridal shoot from Rings n Veils wedding photographers I had to have it on the blog. Because for me, this is every heroine I admire. And it’s an inspiring shoot, I think, for every creative bride out there!

Let me know what you think!