Rimmel Lasting Finish Fruties Nail Polish

By K @stylesocoy

When I bought my Rimmel Wake Me Up Foundation in Boots, there was a 3 for 2 on all Rimmel products. If I'd have known how much I was going to love the foundation I would've, without a doubt, bought 3 of them, but it's quite risky buying a product in bulk when your not sure if your going to like it!
Now I'm not one to pass up on a 3 for 2 offer, so I picked up a couple of their nail polishes.
James picked the colours for me because it was the only way to keep him amused while I was make-up shopping, he is only 3 bless him. He did quite a good job picking the colours, but I don't think he could have really gone wrong because all of the colours on display were very summery and pastely, just right for the spring/summer months.
I put 2 coats of the polish on in the pictures below and managed to get a good coverage, it also lasted for 3 days without any sign of chippage which, for a cheap nail polish, isn't bad.
At only £2.99 each these are a true bargain and the Apricot one is also fruit scented, bonus!!
