Ricky Martin in Honduras: The Show Will Go On

Posted on the 11 October 2011 by Cynisright @cynisright

Yo soy Ricky.

10/11/2011 – by Vanessa Vargas

Ricky Martin was scheduled to perform in Tegucigalpa, Honduras on October 16th. A group of right-wing religious extremists in Honduras wanted to stop the openly gay pop star from performing in the country as a part of his world tour.  The very sad reason for their uproar, “His nuclear family is not the type of family that Honduran society, and laws, approve of.”

The organization All Out was calling for people to sign their petition on behalf of Martin.  They updated their site allout.org last week with the following message:

UPDATE: October 7, 2011. Great news! After the international publicity and embarrassment caused by the attempt to block Ricky Martin from performing in Honduras, the president, while on a trip to the United States, announced an order to the Ministry of the Interior saying that Ricky must be allowed to perform. We also wish to congratulate Ricky Martin on being named a “Leader of Change” this year by UNICEF, for his foundations work to protect children from abuse.

Although they will allow Martin to perform, it has been reported that concertgoers will have to be fifteen years of age or older, “to protect the mental health of Honduran youth.”