Rick Mercer Quote: "Here's to Democracy. May We Get the Government We Deserve."

Posted on the 03 March 2016 by Doggone
From Think Progress :  

May we aspire to deserve better than a any of these terrible people.  For those not familiar with Rick Mercer, he is a CBD comedian and political satirist.  Another tip of the hat to our neighbors north of the border.
That would be the border 1/3 the length of our southern border where Trump wants to put up his wall, the border about which Trump is geographically too ignorant to be president.
From Factcheck.org
FactChecking the 10th GOP Debate In a Texas showdown, Republican presidential candidates stretched the truth in the last debate before Super Tuesday.
By FactCheck.org Posted on February 26, 2016 There were several false and misleading claims in the Feb. 25 debate:
  • Businessman Donald Trump flip-flopped on making his tax returns public, one year after saying he would “certainly” release returns if he ran for president. 
  • Trump also made the dubious claim that he “can’t” release them while being audited. 
  • Trump said Sen. Marco Rubio was “totally wrong” to claim that Trump had to pay a million dollars as a fine for hiring workers who were in the country illegally. Rubio wasn’t totally wrong. Trump lost a $1 million lawsuit and then settled on appeal for an undisclosed sum. 
  • Sen. Ted Cruz claimed that a Wall Street Journal article said the state of Arizona has saved “hundreds of millions of dollars” on “welfare, on prisons, and education,” due to tough illegal immigration legislation. But the article said nothing about “welfare.” 
  • Cruz said that Trump favored the U.S. intervention in Libya that led to the removal of Moammar Gadhafi from power. Trump denied having said that, but Cruz was right. 
  • Cruz claimed that Sen. Harry Reid favors Trump because “he can cut a deal with him.” But Reid has denounced Trump as a “hateful demagogue.” 
  • Trump wrongly claimed that Americans “pay more personal tax” than residents anywhere in the world. In 2014, the U.S. wasn’t even in the top 10 of industrialized nations in terms of tax revenues as a percentage of GDP or per capita. 
  • Trump claimed he was beating Hillary Clinton “badly” in two polls. He’s barely ahead in one and narrowly trails in the other. Cruz claimed Trump has donated more than $50,000 to members of the Senate who cosponsored the so-called Gang of Eight immigration bill in 2013. We tallied $26,000 total, most of it contributed years before the bill was being considered. 
  •  Trump said he wasn’t proposing to build a wall along the U.S.-Canadian border because it’s “about four times longer” than the border with Mexico. Actually, it’s less than three times longer.