Richard...going Coast to Coast This Week!

By Richard Crooks @FindGodindivorc
He does travel well...

This has really been a great week for us.  Richard had the radio interview with KFAX radio in San Francisco on Tuesday...and then today was called by WTRU in North Carolina and asked if they could move up next week's interview to tomorrow.  

For those of you in the North Carolina area (this includes just about the entire state of North Carolina and some southern sections of Virginia) you can listen to the program on your local WTRU affiliate.  Richard will be featured at 11:00 eastern time on the show Robby's Hobbies.  You can also stream the program at the following link:

January 19th interview at 11:00 Eastern Time - to stream live

This is tremendously exciting - and we are thankful for every opportunity.  It is very fulfilling to hear the stories of folks who have been helped by reading the devotionals.  

If you want to hear the other two interviews that Richard was involved in, these are the links:

January 15th interview on KFAX
December 9th interview on KC Forum
Robby Dilmore at WTRU
The link to the Robby's Hobbies webpage...where you can learn more about the host and the program is:Robby Dilmore - Robby's Hobbies HomepageIf you are aware of an opportunity for Richard to share, please let us know!  You can email Richard at