Richard Dreyfuss’ Son Claims Kevin Spacey Groped Him As His Dad Was In The Same Room

Posted on the 05 November 2017 by Sumithardia

Richard Dreyfuss’ Son Claims Kevin Spacey Groped Him As His Dad Was In The Same Room

Because it wouldn’t be Fall 2017 without your daily helping of alleged celebrity sexual assault, here’s a little ditty about Richard Dreyfuss’ son Harry Dreyfuss claiming that Kevin Spacey molested him in 2008 when he was 18. And supposedly his dad was in the room at the time. If all of these tales are true, then Kevin Spacey qualifies as what you call a bold motherfucker! (It also looks like he may qualify as an appalling creep of the highest appalling order, but you knew that already.)

Harry wrote a guest column for Buzzfeed about the incident, which reportedly took place in London at Kevin’s apartment during the time he was directing dad Richard in a play called Complicit at the Old Vic.

“It happened one night when the three of us were alone in Kevin’s apartment rehearsing my father’s lines. My father didn’t see, and I didn’t tell him about the incident for many years. Instead, I spent the next nine years telling people the story at parties for laughs. …

Did Kevin think he was some sort of homosexuality diviner and by allegedly groping these men (and kids), he was welcoming them to the club? WTF?

Harry went on to write that he never thought about taking it seriously, but has recently come to the conclusion that “Kevin Spacey is a sexual predator.

Kevin was someone Harry admired before then, and he mentions that he probably “mistook some of his advances as friendly behavior.” But then Kevin’s hand allegedly found Harry’s thigh while the three of them were going over a script.

“It took that long because it just never occurred to me that Kevin would be interested in me in the first place. He was an adult man, a hero of mine, my dad’s boss, none of which were categories on my radar for sexual interactions. Besides, I thought, Surely he can’t be coming on to me like this right in front of my dad. But his hand stayed there.”

Harry writes that he tried to signal that he wasn’t into Keyser Soze feeling up on him by changing seats. But Kevin kept following him and his hand kept coming for Harry’s thigh.

“I was unable to process what was happening: My dad and I were pretending to be lovers in a play while Kevin Spacey was trying to seduce me and all the while in real life I was a hapless, straight virgin who just wanted to become a famous actor. I didn’t think there was anything I could do short of alerting my dad to what was happening. But I didn’t want to start a feud between them. I didn’t want the play to be threatened.”

And then Kevin’s claw, perhaps reasoning that the age of consent in the UK is 16 so why not, made it to its alleged favorite resting place – an unwilling recipient’s crotch.

“Over the course of about 20 seconds, centimeter by centimeter, Kevin crawled his hand from my thigh over toward my crotch. My mind went blank. Suddenly, he had completed his journey and now he had all of me in his hand,” he said, adding that he never once “gave him a signal that I would want to be with him in that way.”

Harry was inspired by all the recent stories about Kevin, and the realization that his alleged behavior was wrong. He also noted that Kevin seemed to come off as especially smug about the incident.

“In retrospect, what disgusts me about Kevin was how safe he did feel. He knew he could fondle me in a room with my father and that I wouldn’t say a word. He knew I wouldn’t have had the guts. And I didn’t.”

He also tweeted about his revelation.

Thanks to anyone who's ever spoken out. I add my story in the hope predators learn there will always be consequences

— HarryDreyfuss (@harrydreyfuss) November 4, 2017

Also tweeting, Richard Dreyfuss noted his admiration for his son.

I love my son @harrydreyfuss more than I could explain with all the words in the world. And I am so incredibly proud of him right now.

— Richard Dreyfuss (@RichardDreyfuss) November 5, 2017

Stay with us as the “Expose Celebrity Pervs 2017” initiative continues. (You might want to bring something in which to discretely vomit.) If you need something to comfort you in these trying times, I’ve discovered that Harry’s dad likes to re-tweet cute animal tweets! That’s good cuz’ we needed a good “daw!” about now.


Source: Richard Dreyfuss’ Son Claims Kevin Spacey Groped Him As His Dad Was In The Same Room

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