Rich Praise for Poor Nation’s Emissions Targets – Climate News Network

By Garry Rogers @Garry_Rogers

Analysts say the DRC, one of the world’s poorest countries, has more credible plans to cut greenhouse gas emissions from forestry than several more developed states.

LONDON, 16 November, 2015 – An African country whose people are among the poorest on Earth has won plaudits from US scientists for its clear and detailed plans to reduce climate-warming emissions from its forests and farms.

The strategy of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) – rated next to bottom of the 187 countries on the UN’s Human Development Index in 2013 – is described as “robust” by the US-based Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS).

They also rate it as better than those produced by three other more prosperous countries struggling to combat deforestation − Brazil, India and Indonesia.  From:

GR:  The targets aren’t that far in the future.  Meeting them will put pressure on the standard growth model that is followed by the great majority of the world’s businesses.  It is essential that energy and resource commodity corporations move toward zero-growth.  Eventually, they will have to shrink.  Voluntary downsizing now, rather than later when conditions force it to happen, would help preserve some of the planet’s ecosystems.