Rich as a King

By Akklemm @AnakaliaKlemm

image003Just last month, I wrote a book review for on Rich as a King. It was a personal finance and investing guide written with a whole new twist: by using tactics of a Grandmaster Chess Player.

That review, of Susan Polgar and Douglas Goldstein’s book, can be found here:

But I didn’t want my support of their venture to end there, and I wanted to reach out to my readers here as well.  If you’re looking for an educational gift to purchase this Christmas, wanting to set some new goals and resolutions for the New Year, or just want to get started in refining your mind – look no further, Rich as a King should be in your shopping cart.

From my review:

Tips like “Keep your eye on the goal of gaining the initiative and keeping it,” are easily applied to both chess and the stock market. The authors will tell you how the idea is useful in chess and explain the importance of the concept, then show you how to continue utilizing this skill when you are dealing with your money. The connections are smooth and effortless, and reading tidbits from Polgar’s chess career and upbringing makes the read enjoyable. Polgar’s experience with goal setting is incredible and my favorite anecdote from her was in regards to her homeschooling and how she learned to focus.

If nothing else, check out this cool action shot of Susan playing 10 simultaneous chess games in Switzerland.  She’s pretty amazing.

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