Rice, Soy and a Pea

By Marensmorsels @marentweets

Happy Sunday! What are you plans today??

I’m planning on doing some laying out because it’s going to be 70+ degrees and sunny in about 90 minutes. Then I’m going to my youngest cousin’s birthday party. He’s turning 14 so there are no more babies at our family gatherings… sad.

I rocked it at the gym both Friday and Saturday! I did 60 minutes on the cybex Friday with 2 times through the bikini body countdown circuit. Then on Saturday I did 30 minutes on the cybex.

Friday was the first time I spent the entire hour tweeting on twitter while I was on the machine. I was popping gu chomps like crazy. I guess I didn’t get enough fuel before my workout.

On the good side the blueberry pomegranate Gu Chomps are super tasty. 

Seriously, like candy.

After the gym, I did laundry… or I procrastinated the laundry… you can choose.

Spiru-Tein Protein Powder

I finally chose one. I’ve been in this endless battle to powder or not to powder for almost a month. Basically, I couldn’t decide whether to consume protein powder (in various forms) or to not.

I don’t like the idea of supplements. But, I had been tracking my food on a food database site to make sure I was eating enough and it was showing me that I was really low on my protein intake. I am getting an average of 50% of my calories from carbs, 35% calories from fat and 15% calories from protein.

First I tried upping my meat based meals and lowering all the fatty foods I like. I.e. french fries. But it didn’t work. So I started researching protein powders. Here is what I came up with.

Spiru-Tein!!! It’s a plant based protein that uses rice, soy and pea mixed with bee pollen to give me loads of energy. It’s gluten free and I like that it contains natural ingredients. It has 100% of the daily vitamins we all need and a lot of essential minerals. SCORE! It has bran, cellulose, and apple pectin for some delicious fiber, the enzymes bromelain and papaya and super cleansing chlorophyll.

I chose the vanilla flavor and for my first taste I wanted to just make the basic protein shake. 8oz of water, milk or milk substitute with 1 scoop of Spiru-Tein. I used this Flax Seed Milk for my first taste.

I spilt flax seed milk all over my counter trying to get this picture…

It smelled pretty tasty, which made me really excited. 

Shake. Shake. Shake. I bought my powder at the GNC and I couldn’t even think about leaving without such a cute pink Blender Bottle. Hello! It’s pink. And mini. And the best protein powder accessory ever!!

The blender bottle works like a dream! It mixed the entire scoop with no lumps.

It’s good! So I’m going to try to get a serving of this protein every day for a week or so. See if my diet gets a little more balanced, I feel any affects and can tell a difference when working out. Then I’ll decide if I’ll stick to the protein powder.

tell me about you!! I want to know…

are you a protein powder drinker or avoider?
I’m a drinker now.

If you had to choose between pink and purple which would you choose?
depends on my mood.