Rice Pudding with Blueberry Jam- Vegan MoFo 2014

By Becky Cotter

Rice pudding was a real favourite when we were kids. Whether is was home baked or poured out of a can it was always served with a big dollop of jam in the middle! It is something about the contract between creamy warm rice and the cold sharp jam that made this one of the most moreish puddings ever.

It isn't something I eat too often any more but I knew I had to include it this month because it brings back such nostalgia and it can be enjoyed by kids and adults.

Traditionally rice pudding is made with milk and sugar and can either be made on the stove top or it can be baked in the oven. It is thought that rice pudding was invented in Asia, which makes sense since rice is such a staple food there, however different cultures have adapted their own versions. Flavourings such as cinnamon, rose water, nuts and spices can be added for different effects.

I've gone for blueberry jam this time (with some fresh blueberries thrown in for good measure), it's my current favourite jam. I have also favoured raspberry, apricot and plum jam in the past and I've also made a cinnamon and hazelnut version in the slow cooker before.

I wanted to try and recreate an ambrosia style extra creamy rice pudding, since I'm having a month of pure indulgence I might as well go for it with full swing! I was recently sent some vouchers for oatly oat milk and I decided this was the perfect recipe to use it in. I used mainly oat milk as it is very sweet yet low fat but then I topped it up with oat cream which gave it an incredibly smooth texture.

I also decided to bake mine in the oven, which I haven't done before. It worked perfectly and I loved it as I could go off and do something else whilst it cooked.

Served 4 (quite small portions but it is very filling)

55g Pudding Rice
350ml Oatly Oat Milk
150ml Oatly Oat Cream
2-3 tbspn Agave Syrup
1/2 tspn Vanilla Essence

Jam of your choice to serve

Preheat the oven to 160c. Place all the ingredients in a ceramic baking dish (or suitable oven proof dish) and stir.

Bake in the oven for 30 minutes, stir and break up the skin that forms (at this point add any spices you may wish such as cinnamon/ nutmeg) then bake for a further 30-40 minutes until the rice is cooked and the sauce has thickened and sticks to the rice.

Some people like the skin that forms, I preferred to keep breaking it up. It's up to you!

Serve hot in a bowl with a big dollop of jam in the middle and some fresh fruit. Stir the jam in and enjoy!