Rhubarb Shrub Recipe | Sparkling Rhubarb Rose Shrub

By Rahnaskitchen

Rhubarb shrub is such a refreshing and delicious non alcoholic drink. Adding shrub to sparkling water or cocktail turns it into an exotic flavourful drinks.

Shrub is basically a technique of preserving fresh fruits with their long-lasting fresh essence. Shrub can be made with any fruits which are in season like berries, persimmons, grapes and list goes on. Last weekend, I got 4 - 5 lb of ruby-red rhubarb from market. I had already made rhubarb rose ice cream floats and Eggless rhubarb muffins. I wanted to try something new. Then I discovered these awesome shrubs and yes this was exactly what I was looking for.

It is such an addictive drink not just because of taste and the health benefits of raw apple cider vinegar. If you get such a good and nutritious homemade pure drink, why buy those sugary drinks from market. At least NOT me.

Shrubs are basically drinking vinegar which is formed by muddling sugar and any fruit (in this case rhubarb) kept in fridge for couple days, then straining and mixing it with vinegar. Keep the syrup intact in airtight jar in fridge for next few days. In those days flavours of fruits are thoroughly married with vinegar resulting in subtle tang and sweet tasting shrub.

With this syrup I have made delicious non boozy sparkling rhubarb rose shrub.
Here I want to share a tip. Always choose the ruby red-ish rhubarb and a heavier one. Also look for crisp and shiny skin.

In this drink, I have used rose essence to compliment the rhubarb flavour and I highly recommend to not to skip that.

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Rhubarb shrub recipe card