Rhubarb and Ginger Muffins

By Chrryblossomtat2
I've been baking again so prepare yourselves friends for a heck of a lot of photos and another recipe card.
It was impossible not to do something with the first rhubarb harvest of the year (I have other ideas too) so I looked through a lot of recipes and decided on this one first, though as usual I changed it from the original as I went along. This recipe card has the steps which I think would be better than the way I did it.

So, I really do mean it when I say you really ought to get all your ingredients measured out and chopped etc before you start because I didn't and it was a nightmare of mess and confusion. I am not a calm and collected person in the kitchen!

* Butter, Eggs - I use unsalted butter for all my baking, there really isn't that much in these (healthy?? hahaha). Always with the medium sized eggs too.
* Sugar, Milk - For spicy yummy things I always choose brown sugar for that more malty and warm flavor and for milk I use semi-skimmed, but you know; I think coconut milk was recommended for this recipe originally...that might be lovely.
* Vanila Essence, Rhubarb - Vanilla essence makes a difference, there I said it. I never used to use it but now it's not going to left out again; plus a bottle lasts for ages. Two cups of rhubarb is roughly the equivalent to 275g or approx 2 large stalks.
* Ginger, Flour - For this recipe I love crystallised ginger but I reckon stem ginger would be just as good but ooh so messy to chop finely! Then adding the ground ginger = yummy burny-ness. You must use self-raising flour for this or the muffins will be so heavy and dense even though you will already have added some baking soda!!
* Butter your molds or they just won't come out.

10 mins later...

Hugs and Love
Your Carrie