RHCP: B-Sides/Bonus Tracks and Stadium Arcadium Disc 3

Posted on the 01 April 2014 by Outroversion @outroversion

I think the difference between me and a hipster is that if someone tells me a song I haven’t heard of by one of my favorite bands, rather than pretending I know it I feel like I’ve been bestowed a gift from god. That’s why when I found actually amazing tracks I hadn’t heard and an entire album from RHCP I thought I was having some kind of spiritual intervention.

B-Sides/Bonus Tracks

Anyone who has anything more than a vague musical relationship with the red hots will know they often release absolute dynamite as b-sides that the general public won’t ever get to hear, music that if it were released to the baying cattle market they’d eat it up like a lead single from a Foo Fighters album.

Fans of the Fairfax, Californians will know monsters that unbelievably never graced albums like Body of Water, Soul to Squeeze, Bunker Hill, Eskimo, Gong Li and one they haven’t even recorded that would go down a storm- Rolling Sly Stone.

Somehow these went under my radar and I’ve no clue how but they are just, something else. These two tracks Bicycle Song and Quixoticelixer are up there with the best Chili Peppers songs there are, I hope to the god of funk that there’s more out there somewhere but we all know someday those greatest hits sessions have gotta see light of day.

Bicycle Song


Stadium Arcadium: Disc 3

Remember before Stadium Arcadium was released and they were talking about releasing three albums throughout the year? SA ended up being a perfectly packaged double album, it felt like nothing could be left off that and nothing else could be put on. With that thoughts of what happened to the third album never really crossed my mind. Until 8 years later.

Yeah it’s really been that long since it was released, we’re getting older everyone.

But let’s forget about that for the moment, if we can. Some call it Venus, some call it Pluto but whatever you call it it’s essentially an entirely new RHCP album! It blew my mind and yeah, any of these tracks would have fit perfectly on the album.

I firmly believe if the guys had released the I’m With You Sessions properly as an album and called it something Chili Pepperish it would’ve been huge. I don’t get why they insist on hiding their music away. The thing that strikes me most is how consistent their music has been since they got into their groove with Mother’s Milk on everything they release, it’s insane. Anyone who doesn’t get their music is missing out.

Check out all the tracks over at Reddit.