REWIND: William DeVaughn - 'Be Thankful For What You Got'

Posted on the 25 September 2013 by Rw/ff @rwffmusic
Sometimes, a song just pops into your head and continues to reappear there occasionally over the following days. I'm not even sure why William DeVaughn's 'Be Thankful For What You Got' has been invading my headspace over the last few days, especially since I haven't heard it for a while. But what a tune it is... 

"DeVaughn wrote "A Cadillac Don't Come Easy" eventually re-written to become "Be Thankful for What You Got" in 1972. The record sold nearly two million copies on its release in spring 1974, reaching #1 on the U.S. R&B charts and #4 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. With a sound and content influenced by Curtis Mayfield (and often erroneously attributed to him), its simple and encouraging lyrics hit home, to the extent that it became featured on gospel radio stations. The edited version, which is the first part of the song, became the hit. The other half of the song is a longer instrumental with the repeated chords and rhythm before the final chorus comes in. The song is seven minutes long and radio stations preferred the sung portions over the instrumental portions..."