REWIND: R.E.M - 'Finest Worksong'

Posted on the 07 May 2014 by Rw/ff @rwffmusic
I first heard R.E.M in the early 90s. They were pretty much unavoidable then, due to their 'Automatic For The People' album exploding worldwide. I remember seeing the videos for 'Drive' and 'Man On The Moon' being played excessively on The ITV Chart Show, and my mom also owned a copy of the album. Before too long I decided that I really liked this group, and when I saw a cassette copy of the 'Document' album for £2.99 in Woolworths, I begged my mom to buy it for me. Of course, she did because she had also become a fan. Very odd that a well known song such as this only peaked at number 50 on the UK charts, but back in 1989 R.E.M weren't really that known of over here. 'Document' was their fifth studio album, released in 1987. It was considered something of a breakthrough, and was the last album of new material that the band released on I.R.S. Records. It is also the first album on which the band worked with producer Scott Litt, who worked on their subsequent classic albums.