REWIND: David Bowie - 'Speed Of Life'

Posted on the 02 July 2014 by Rw/ff @rwffmusic
Haven't featured any Bowie for a while. Which is absurd, considering the man is one of my biggest heroes. So here's one from the seminal 'Low', his eleventh studio album. Widely regarded as one of Bowie's most influential releases, 'Low' was the first installment in the famous "Berlin Trilogy", a series of collaborations with Brian Eno. 'Speed Of Life' is the robotic, momentum-packed instrumental that kicks off the album. It appears to have had a major influence on 'Futurology', the new album from the Manic Street Preachers, which was also recorded at the Hansa studios by the Berlin wall.

You can read a brief tribute piece I wrote a while ago, entitled 'What Bowie Means To Me' HERE. I also compiled six very special comprehensive Bowie 'Best Of's, which can all be streamed in full for free HERE.