Review–Silence (Hush, Hush #3) by Becca Fitzpatrick

By Megan Love Literature Art & Reason @meganm922
Silence (Hush, Hush #3) by Becca Fitzpatrick Summary: WHEN SILENCE IS ALL THAT'S LEFT, CAN THE TRUTH FINALLY BE HEARD?
Nora Grey can't remember the past five months of her life. After the initial shock of waking up in a cemetery and being told that she has been missing for weeks - with no one knowing where she was or who she was with - she tried to get her life back on track. Go to school, hang out with her best friend, Vee, and dodge mom's creepy new boyfriend.
But there is this voice in the back of her head, an idea that she can almost reach out and touch. Visions of angel wings and unearthly creatures that have nothing to do with the life she knows.
And this unshakable feeling that a part of her is missing.
Then Nora crosses paths with a sexy stranger, whom she feels a mesmerizing connection to. He seems to hold all the answers...and her heart. Every minute she spends with him grows more and more intense until she realizes she could be falling in love. Again.

Source: I purchased a Kindle copy.
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I have a love/hate relationship with this series. If you’re this far in the series, you can’t possibly expect the plot to ever make sense, Nora’s mom to ever really be a part of her life, or Nora to ever make logical decisions. I mean, we’ve all made it this far. We are reading this because it’s like watching a train wreck. I’ve got my popcorn, let’s see what Patch and Nora can get into next.
But, oh, how I love the drama. Nora lost her memory, is sleeping with the enemy (or her mom is, anyway), fell in love with Patch all over again, and found herself in the middle of terrible fallen angel conflict.
Are we not going to talk about Patch’s lack of ability to feel? Is that just not ever going to be a thing? No? Okay. Well I’ll just pretend he’s enjoying this. It was a little cringe-worthy waiting on Nora to relearn what we already knew. But it happened pretty fast and it gave her an excuse to be stupid and make bad decisions (like she needed one).
There’s something a little addicting about Nora and Patch, though, so I loved seeing them come together. While Nora still had a bit of second guessing/trust/relationship issues, she calmed down a lot from the previous book and I felt like I got to see them explore their relationship a little bit more.
I continue to recommend the series if a quick, terribly YA paranormal book sounds like it will curb your craving. It’s fun to read and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. I think I’m going to stop here because I really just don’t care about what happens anymore and I’d rather not spend 9 bucks to find out. But I may change my mind!