Monday-Tuesday, in A Nous Paris, Philippe Toinard reviewed and gave 3/5 dots to the aforementioned Les Comptoirs du Medoc; and Jerome awarded to same to the neo-bistrot Ribote, 17 rue Paul Chatrousse in Neuilly,, open weekdays with a 22 E lunch menu and 40 E carte, serving items such as haddock ceviche, confited lamb and lemon cream. In addition, Alexis Chenu discussed places serving roast chicken, including the Poulet Puree in Boulogne, Jeanne A. in the 11th, Rotisserie Stevenot in the 9th, Solyses in the 18th and also Mon Petit Poulet in the 17th, Loup in the 1st, Coq Rico in the 18th and the Rotisserie Dufrenoy in the 9th, 16th and 18th.
Tuesday in Le Fooding, Yves Nespoulous reviewed the seafood neobrasserie La Maree Jeanne, 3, rue Mandar in the 2nd,, open non-stop 12-23h00 7/7 serving items such as lobster consume, fried eperlans and bouillabaisse for 7-24 E a plate and a 18 E lunch menu.
Wednesday in Figaroscope, Emmanuel Rubin, in his Hache Menu, went to Louis in the 9th.
Then he followed with his usual five reviews, giving 3 hearts to the aforementioned Maree Jeanne in the 3rd and 2 to L’Orriu di Beauveax (formerly the Cave Beauveau) in the 8th, now serving Corsican food such as sardinade tarts, eggplant bonifacienne & conchiglioni with morilles on menus priced from 29-35 E at lunch and double that a la carte as well as the previously mentioned L’OW’Y in the 3rd. Also rans were the previously mentioned Le Bichat (1 heart) in the 10th and Huabu (busted heart) in the 9th.
Figaroscope’s Dossier this week was written by Hugo de Saint Phalle , Alice Bosio and Colette Monsat and discussded where the « top chefs » are now :
Saperlipoette in Puteau
La Scene a l’Hotel Prince de Galles
Le Galopin & La Cave a Michel
Pierre Sang on Gambey
A Noste
And also Miniatures & Bagnard, 1 K, Le Peninsula, La Plantxa, Metropolitain, Kube, Spontini 50 & Viande & Chef.
Wednesday, also, Heidi Ellison in Paris Update went to the previously mentioned Juste le Zinc in the 17th.
Thursday, in L’Express, Franois-Regis Gaudry reviewed the China Gourmand in the 9th.