Reviews of Reviews: The Week of April 20th, 2015

By Johntalbott

Monday-Tuesday, in A Nous Paris, Philippe Toinard gave 3/5 dots to Louis, 23, rue de la Victoire in the 9th,, closed weekends with menus at 32 (lunch) and 48 E, containing items such as langoustine bisque, foie gras raviolis and rose veal; and Jerome Berger reviewed and gave the same to the previously mentioned Ellsworth in the 1st
Tuesday in Le Fooding, they reviewed the Asian/Korean Hero in the 2nd.
In Figaroscope this Wednesday, Emmanuel Rubin’s Hache Menu was about the newest Italian place in town – East Mamma in the 11th.
Then he followed with his usual five reviews, giving 2 hearts to three places : Le Bien Aime, 18, rue d’Anjou in the 8th,, closed Sundays and Mondays, with aristocratic prices – 54 for a lunch menu, 140 for degustation and a la carte 80-150 (« oups, » he says) for items such as green asparagus, veal blanquette and the matcha ; Maison Greffeuille, 120 rue St-Denis in the 2nd,, closed Sundays, with a lunch formula at 15.50 and a la carte about 25 E for items such as lamb, a feuillete and lots of take-out (lamb mostly) ; and the aforementioned Ellsworth in the 1st.  Getting one heart were Mondial in the 10th and Mabel in the 2nd.
Their Dossier this week by Alice Bosio, Colette Monsat and Hugo de Saint Phalle listed the new brunch places :
Menilmontant (8/10)
Aux Pres
Grand Pigalle Hotel
La Table d’Orphee
Le Beaumarchais
Le Buffet de la Gare
Ellsworth (6.5/10)
Heidi Ellison in her Paris Update, reviewed the previously mentioned Ellsworth quite favorably.
Thursday in L’Express, Francois Regis Gaudry reviewed the aforementioned East Mama.
Saturday Le Figaro devoted a large part of their 3rd section to things including restaurants around the Milano Expo 2015.
And Sunday in the JDD, Genevieve Pardo reviewed three places already mentioned – East Mamma in the 11th; Soon in the 3rd and Bronco in the 10th.  And in the jdd versionfemina, they reviewed the well-known Table d’Eugene in the 18th; and opening the summer season, Julie Swingelstein listed several places for outdoor dining:
Café Marlette
Pavillon ds Canaux
Maison Blanche