Review–Red Fox (Experiment in Terror #2) by Karina Halle

By Megan Love Literature Art & Reason @meganm922
 Red Fox (Experiment in Terror #2) by Karina Halle Summary: With Book Two of the Experiment in Terror Series, Perry Palomino and Dex Foray trade in the stormy Oregon coast for the unforgiving deserts of New Mexico.
In the for­got­ten town of Red Fox, New Mex­ico, a Navajo cou­ple is tor­tured by things unseen and by motives unknown. Wild ani­mals slink through their house in the dark, a bar­rage of stones pound their roof nightly, and muti­lated sheep car­casses are turn­ing up on their prop­erty. Armed with a cam­era and just enough to go on, Perry and Dex travel to the des­o­late locale, hop­ing to film the super­nat­ural occur­rences and add cred­i­bil­ity to their flail­ing web­cast. Only their show has a lot more work­ing against them than just grow­ing pains. Tested by dubi­ous ranch hands, a ghost from Dex’s past, and shapeshift­ing decep­tion, the ama­teur ghost hunters must learn to trust each other in order to fight the most ancient of myths…or die trying.

Source: I purchased a copy for Kindle
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After finishing Darkhouse, I decided to continue the rest of the series immediately. I wasn’t sure how I felt about the first book, but I own all of the books and figure I need to give it a fair chance. Red Fox was better than Darkhouse and a lot creepier. Perhaps I just find the idea of lighthouse ghosts a lot less intriguing than Native American legends.
Perry and Dex were a lot better in Red Fox. They operated better as a team and there was a lot more relationship development, tension, and all that good stuff that keeps me on my toes. The case was creepy and I never knew what was going on. Like Perry, I wasn’t sure if I could even trust Dex. Who could be trusted? What was really happening? And how would Perry and Dex come out on top?
I’m definitely more intrigued now by the two characters and their whole ghost thing. I will continue the series. I’m not sure if I really love or would recommend the series just yet, which is a little disappointing considering most of the fans were in love from book 1, but I’ll keep going.