Review:Montessori Letter Sounds HD Ipad App

By Smilinglikesunshine @smilinglikesuns
As you  know, I  love the Montessori philosophy. So I was very happy at the chance of reviewing this application.  It was interesting to see how the Montessori  method is interpreted with the latest technology.

Montessori Letter Sounds HD application contains 4 games:
  • I spy... is suitable for children from 3 years old. This game helps children  learn the letter sounds . 
  • Around 4 years old children can play the  “Letter sounds” to memorize the letter sounds and shapes. The traditional Montessori letter tracing activity is used here.

  • Between 4 and 5 years old: “Mix and match” to bring together the two first steps. As in the example below, the child needs to find the word starting with the "e" sound.
  • Around 4 1/2 years old: “Sound it out” to write their first words using a moveable alphabet.

The last two games are locked at first and get unlocked as the children play and win marbles. This ensures progressive learning.
The Montessori materials that you will find in a Montessori environment are auto-didactic. This ensures children can work and learn  without the help of an adult. I really like that this principle is used in this app as well. 
The application is also beautiful,visually stimulating. 

I can hands on heart say that it is our  favorite educational  app so far and my 5 year old really enjoys it. 

Montessori Letter Sounds HD Ipad App is available at itunes for£2.99.

Disclaimer: I receieved a promo code for the app for review purposes. All opinion my own.