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Source: I purchased a Kindle copy.
Lying Season was quite the roller coaster ride with tons of drama, action, horror, and awkwardness. A lot of what I’ve been waiting for to happen finally happened in this book, so it was really hard to put down!
The book started with Perry finishing up a training session boot camp. She spent some time getting into shape and working on her own self esteem. I really liked the new Perry, as she was finally 100% of the person she totally had the potential to be.
It was Dex I had an issue with.
Maybe it’s just me, but I’m just not rooting for Dex and Perry as a couple. To me, she deserves better. Dex is a 30 something loser with a shallow girlfriend and no desire to change. He may mesh better with Perry, but I just can’t ignore the fact that he picked a girl like Jenn. On the surface, I was like oh well it’s a good example of why a good personality, brains, and uniqueness will always beat out the fake and shallow Barbies of the world. But then I overthink and start wondering what kind of person Dex has to be if he stayed with the Barbie for this long. And if Perry is so much more his type, why does he choose to semi cheat on and talk about his girlfriend in a negative way? It’s rude. Jenn may be horrible, but most of what makes her so horrible is her incompatibility with Dex and how mean she is to him and if she’s a horrible person for being like that, then Dex is, too. I don’t know.
I guess I probably should just realize that as much as I enjoyed the novel and love the plot, this series will never be to me what it is to other people. The characters, though I love them, make me roll my eyes and make horrible decisions and just aren’t the type of people I would ever want to actually meet. Despite my issues with the whole Dex, Lying Season was fun, scary, and full of drama. I did speed right through it and I would recommend it to others. While Dex and Perry aren’t my favorite characters in fiction, their adventure is fun to read about.
Experiment in Terror series is a fun read and I do recommend it because I know most people will (and do) love it. It’s perfectly creepy and the characters slowly grow into better people. With that being said, I don’t know that I’ll move on to the other books myself. I think I’ll just leave the series alone for now until I gain some sort of “what happened to Dex and Perry” curiosity.