Review:For My Children:A Mother's Journal of Memories,Wishes and Wisdom

By Smilinglikesunshine @smilinglikesuns
During the summer holidays I enjoyed reading a few inspiring books. One of them was sent to me in the spring. I checked it out but only had the chance to savor it during the holiday.

For My Children: A Mother's Journal of Memories, Wishes and Wisdom is written by the lovely Dionna who writes the blog Code Name Mama. 
Because we are living abroad, my mum, my grandmothers, my aunts are all far away. There have been many times during my motherhood career, I wished I would be able to consult to their wisdom. But it is not easy to talk about these over the phone and when we get together once or twice a year, there is so much to do or talk about, such issues are forgotten or neglected.
The book consists of seven sections with over 150 creative prompts.
  1. Motherhood
  2. Family and Home
  3. Children
  4. Life Wisdom and Wishes
  5. Love and Relationships 
  6. You In The World
  7. On Being You
I have  kept journals for my children, but mostly they have been about their milestones and our daily life, the things they said,done etc. whereas the prompts in the book lead me to write and reflect on a deeper level. Here are a few of the prompts that I love:
  • What special things have you done for your children to create lifetime memories?
  • List some of the ways you saw your child becoming more independent.
  • List some interesting facts about your extended family members (including some your children might not know)
  • What songs and music have been important to you  as a mother?
I also  have to say I love, love, love the gorgeous illustrations of the book.  Dionna's journal is a beautiful keepsake that can be treasured by generations to come. I have started filling  mine now and I am considering to buy a few more copies. One for each of my children and for a few friends. It is a perfect gift for mothers or mum-to-be's. Highly recommended.
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