Review–Darkness (Florence Waverly #3) by Ciye Cho

By Megan Love Literature Art & Reason @meganm922

Darkness (Florence Waverly #3)
by Ciye ChoSummary: A dire prophecy has emerged, and the mer believe that humans and merfolk are in grave danger. Terror is closing in, but only one person holds the key to stopping it: Florence Waverley. However, her mission to save two worlds will lead her far, far out into the Darkness--a shadow-realm full of monsters, magic, and wicked tides that could tear apart bodies.
With the help of her friends, Florry must uncover a secret about humans and mer. A long-lost secret that could change her life. And above all else, she must fight hard to light the darkness. Everything depends on her mission: her friends, her world, and the one she loves.
The past, present, and future are about to collide--but can she stay afloat? One way or another, nothing will be the same when she enters the Darkness...
Darkness is the third book in the Florence Waverley series.

Source: I received a copy of the book from the author in exchange for an honest review.
Release Date: 02/09/2015
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The Florence Waverly series
Darkness was full of adventure and mystery and the stakes were a bit higher than they were in the first two novels of the series. I enjoyed Darkness and returning to the world of Nimelia.
I’ve said in all of my reviews for this series that I love the writing and the world building. This is definitely an underrating series, especially if you enjoy reading about mermaids, which are rarely explored in YA fiction. The author created such a vivid world, I can’t rave enough about it. The series is one of most visual and imaginative worlds I've ever encountered in YA fiction.
As the series progresses, I love that the conflicts never truly end because the mermaids hold on to their legends and tradition and don’t leave much room for change, progress, or questions. There are just so many valid conflicts and mysteries that Florence can get herself involved in as a human because humans are so naturally curious.
I highly recommend Darkness and the rest of the Florence Waverly series. My only criticism is that as my tastes have shifted to more mature YA and back into adult fiction, the series was tough to get back into at first because it’s definitely not upper YA and doesn’t really explore some of the more mature themes that it could. But I think that’s a huge selling point for a lot of YA readers who aren’t looking for that and I can’t fault the series for it at all.