Review: Where It Began by Ann Stampler

By Compelledbywords @compelledbyword
Where It Began
(stand alone)
by Ann Stampler

(young adult, contemporary, chick lit)

Published: 03-06-12

Publisher: Simon Pulse
Kindle: 386 pages  Purchase: $8.89 on Amazon (at time of post)

 4 stars  
Gabby Gardiner wakes up in a hospital bed looking like a cautionary ad for drunk driving—and without a single memory of the accident that landed her there. But what she can recall, in frank and sardonic detail, is the year leading up to the crash.
As Gabby describes her transformation from Invisible Girl to Trendy Girl Who Dates Billy Nash (aka Most Desirable Boy Ever), she is left wondering: Why is Billy suddenly distancing himself from her? What do her classmates know that Gabby does not? Who exactly was in the car that night? And why has Gabby been left to take the fall?
As she peels back the layers of her life, Gabby begins to realize that her climb up the status ladder has been as intoxicating as it has been morally complex...and that nothing about her life is what she has imagined it to be.

This is such a pretty cover! It's just an all around beautiful photo. However, I don't think it matches the book. I would have loved to see something a bit darker to fit the environment. I guess maybe it can work with the sunny outlook at the end but for me, it just doesn't work as well as it could have. Had I not gotten an ARC of this book by chance, I wouldn't have picked it up because of the cover. Which sucks, because the book was so awesome!
Gabby drove me absolutely insane. Every time she mentions Billy the only thing running through my head is stalker much? I get it, she had a crush on him forever and never thought he would give her the time of day. That's cool and everything but after a while you'd think maybe she'd just be happy with him and not the idea of him. Ugh, she drove me crazy. Everyone else in the book sucked too but that worked for this kind of story.
This was my second time reading a contemporary novel. As you know, my preference is with the darker side of young adult. I wasn't disappointed with the first, and I most definitely wasn't disappointed with this one. I went in thinking I wasn't going to like it, but I was dead wrong. This book was outstanding. Ann really puts you in the depths of Gabby's mind. You feel what she does (except for the burning sensation for Billy - personally he sounded like kind of a douche to me) and you understand what she's going through.

I think this book would be great for any teenage girl to read. Seeing the cruelty that can come from your "friends" before it actually happens in real life could be very beneficial. It was interesting for me to read something like this. I've never been one to read about something that could actually happen. I love my paranormal and things that go bump in the night. Ann has helped open me up to a whole new genre that I had never even considered giving a chance before. It's books like this that make me love reading. Stampler has officially been added to the list of authors I can't wait to stalk in the future!

None stuck out for me this time loves, sorry!
And thennn...
I'd love to know what genres you guys read! Are you a paranormal junkie like me or do you adore a good contemporary novel? Tell me about it!

DISCLOSURE: All of the reviews posted are my opinions and mine alone. I am in no way paid for them. Every book reviewed was either purchased by me, received for free directly from the publisher/author specifically for review or received via: