Review: The Dead Cat Tail Assassins by P. Djèlí Clark

By Curlygeek04 @curlygeek04

This was a strange but fun novel about an undead assassin named Eveen, who is a member of the Dead Cat Tail Assassins, a group of people who have contracted their bodies to the Assassin Goddess following their deaths. Eveen has super strength and healing powers, but her existence is bound to some very exacting rules: she can’t remember her previous life, she can’t kill except under a contract, and every contract must be completed. Unfortunately, Eveen has just been assigned to a contract she can’t carry out, and she only has one night before the goddess will come for her.

In a lot of ways, this book wasn’t as dark as a lot of fantasy novel; it has an irreverent tone even towards murder. It opens with people celebrating a Festival that honors their gods’ origin story, which involves a Clockwork King, a Pirate Queen. There’s snarky banter and dressing up in costumes. It was an entertaining read, although at about 200 pages, it did feel lacking in character development and the world and its mythology was confusing at times. Quite a lot was left unexplained, which kept the story moving but ultimately felt a little unsatisfying.

In this world, the undead and the living interact and are even friends. Eveen isn’t a slave exactly, as she and one of her companions even discuss how to drum up business. The main downsides to her life are that she has no memories and no family. She essentially has no knowledge of who she is.

For me this was most interesting aspect of the book. Eveen has no idea why she sold her body into a century of bondage as an assassin. What kind of person does that, and under what circumstances? She doesn’t mind killing, because the goddess and her manager must determine that each contract is “just” before it is given to her. And she’s clearly good at what she does (her nickname is The Eviscerator).

Overall, I enjoyed the story. I definitely saw the plot twist coming (though not how it was resolved), and I wasn’t crazy about the very end of the book. If you’re looking for a fun, fast-moving fantasy with a sense of humor, you’ll enjoy this book. If you’re looking for thorough world-building and character development, this book will feel a little lacking.

Note: I received an advanced review copy of this novel from NetGalley and publisher Tor Books. It published August 6, 2024.