Review: Switched by Amanda Hocking

By Compelledbywords @compelledbyword
(Trylle # 1)
by Amanda Hocking

(young adult, urban fantasy, trolls)

Published: 07-12-10

Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin
Kindle: 318 pages  Purchase: $8.99 on Amazon (at time of post)

 4 stars  
When Wendy Everly was six years old, her mother was convinced she was a monster and tried to kill her. Eleven years later, Wendy discovers her mother might have been right. She’s not the person she’s always believed herself to be, and her whole life begins to unravel—all because of Finn Holmes.
Finn is a mysterious guy who always seems to be watching her. Every encounter leaves her deeply shaken…though it has more to do with her fierce attraction to him than she’d ever admit. But it isn’t long before he reveals the truth: Wendy is a changeling who was switched at birth—and he’s come to take her home.
Now Wendy’s about to journey to a magical world she never knew existed, one that’s both beautiful and frightening. And where she must leave her old life behind to discover who she’s meant to become…
This edition includes the bonus story "The Vittra Attacks".

I love this cover so much I can't stand it. This is one of those books I would solely buy because of the cover. Not to mention every book in the series is a different color, what! I'm all about some rainbows and this series totally eases my eye candy craving. I love the beautiful red sky, the creepy castle in the background, the awesomely naturistic field she's sitting in, and the design around the title. As a matter of fact, I like that design so much I'm considering a tattoo with it in my not too distant future! How bad ass would that be? Pretty BA... admit it.
I really enjoyed Wendy as a character. She was very collected for someone who's own mother tried to kill her. I'd be mental, literally. And she thinks about it, and it sucks, but she still finds the means to move on. Now that's someone to look up to, sorta. She does have a problem showing healthy emotions but hey, that's probably to be expected in her situation. I loved her brother Matt, I wish there would have been more of him in it but I was really happy with the ending of this installment so maybe there will be a Matt attack coming in book two! A girl can only hope.
Finn creeped me out in the beginning. I'm sure that's the same for everyone considering he stares and makes Wendy uncomfortable there for a while. You learn to love him though. His determination to protect Wendy with his own life is sweet. Almost too sweet. Why are there always perfect boys in YA fiction? Oh, that's right. Because they don't exist in real life... *sigh*
This was my first troll experience. I never thought about reading a troll book, and I wasn't aware that this even was a troll book until after Finn said it. I repeat, I got it solely because of the awesometastic cover. I may have gotten fully sucked in by the whole mom trying to kill her when she was six thing too. I dunno, strange things spark my interest. And this was one of those strange books that I really really enjoyed reading.
Switched makes the second Amanda Hocking book I've had the pleasure of reading so far and just like with Wake, I wasn't disappointed. It's hard to be unique these days in the young adult genre. After a while all of the stories start blending together and you feel like you've read them all. This book was a breathe of fresh air for me. I loved everything about it. My rating is based on the troll concept. I do think the Trylle could have been something a bit more glamorous and it's hard for me to take that pretty girl on the cover seriously considering she's part troll, but whatever. I loved it, and I can't wait to finish the series. 
“He kissed me desperately, like a drowning man and I was his oxygen.” - I can totally picture this, and it looks HOT!
I live in Minnesota, and I write young adult paranormal romance and urban fantasy mostly. The My Blood Approves series is about vampires in Minneapolis, and its available now. I also wrote the Trylle Trilogy, which is a paranormal romance without vampires, shifters, mermaids, fae, angels, dragons, ghosts, or ninjas.
My latest book is Hollowland - a zombie urban fantasy set in the dystopian near future. It's a bit more violent and gritter than my other books, but there is still romance. Mostly though, Remy kicks a lot of butt.
I also enjoy Red Bull, Jim Henson, Batman, Jane Austen, Star Wars legos, and I absolutely hate long walks on the beach out of my intense fear/hatred of wet sand
My favorite authors are Kurt Vonnegut, Chuck Palahniuk, Bret Easton Ellis, Alan Moore, and J. D. Salinger, but I don't write anything like them. I have an obsession with River Phoenix, and I've seen Silence of the Lambs more than any other movie, even The Dark Knight. If I were trapped on a deserted island, the one thing I'd take with me would be a boat capable for taking me home.

And thennn...
Have you ever read a book about trolls? Or involving trolls? Do you love Amanda Hocking? Tell me about it! And remember, Switched is now available for trade, so let me know if you have a book you'd like to share with me! Maybe you could be the next person to fall in love with this series!

DISCLOSURE: All of the reviews posted are my opinions and mine alone. I am in no way paid for them. Every book reviewed was either purchased by me, received for free directly from the publisher/author specifically for review or received via: