Review: Spooky Halloween Sweets at Waitrose - Monster Street!

By Grocerygems @grocerygems

These brilliant looking Monster Street sweets are produced in France by a company called Ger'son Pierrot Gourmand. I spotted them in the Waitrose Halloween aisle, where they are currently on special offer for any two multipacks for £2.50. Take a look below for some Oozing Pumpkins, Squirting Brains and bright pink and blue Phantoms!

The Oozing Pumpkins & Squirting Brains are fun shaped sweets with a liquid centre, just like the Haribo Happy Cola from Germany I reviewed previously (review HERE).

I really like the packaging of these, the clear plastic and black detailing is very effective. Even though each individual sweet is quite large, it's worth noting that there are only about 3 or 4 sweets in each mini bag.

The sweets do look great though, especially the brain - it's completely gross!

Inside the sweets are hollow, with a fairly big cavity for the liquid filling. The packaging annoyingly doesn't mention what flavor these sweets are supposed to be, but I could detect a fruity apple flavor with berry undertones. The filling is very sweet but has a mildly sour edge to it, which makes these sweets very enjoyable and moreish.

I also picked up these Monster Street Phantoms, which are very colourful foam type sweets.

The inner packaging is the same as the previous sweets, but there are more individual sweets per bag, about 5 or 6 in each. They're also the strangest phantoms I've ever seen, with their fat bellies, smiley faces and protruding belly buttons! The texture of these sweets is very chewy, almost rubbery at first, although they do give way to an easier chew quite quickly. The flavor here is pure bubblegum, and unsurprisingly both my kids really enjoyed these!
Grocery Gems Verdict: Monster Street
RATING: Pumpkins & Brains - 8.5 out of 10, Phantoms - 7 out of 10.
Buy them again?: Yes.
Nutrition (per 100g): Pumpkins & Brains - 334 calories, Phantoms - 330 calories.
Purchased: Waitrose
Price: Any 2 multipacks for £2.50.