Review: Reckoning (The Arotas Trilogy #2) by Amy Miles

Posted on the 26 July 2014 by Twilightbookjunkie @TwiBookJunkie
Book Description (via Goodreads):
Gabriel is gone.
Roseline is left with questions that refuse answers and only the memory of a man she vows to hunt and kill. But to do so, she must call a truce with her sworn enemy.
Together, Roseline and Nicolae track Fane to the underbelly of London, in search of Gabriel’s kidnappers. But when Malachi- an Immortal with mystifying origin- presents himself as their guide, Roseline discovers she is not the only one looking for Gabriel.
Buried within the secret chambers of the infamous Hellfire Club, Roseline discovers a grim truth: Gabriel isn’t just a pawn being used by the Arotas prophecy, and those who seek to control its power. He is Arotas.
Everything Roseline has ever known about her brethren is about to change. Emotions flare, friendships sever and the newly formed bonds between enemies are tested as she delves into realms hardly conceived. They are trapped in the midst of a battle that has been waging since the beginning of time.
The prophecy binds them all together. But will they break before the end?
My Review:
 This book is the 2nd in the Arotas trilogy by Amy Miles. If you have not read my review for book one please refer to it so you will know what I am talking about, its on both Goodreads and here.
Ok so this book picks up basically where book 1 left off, which I liked. It doesn't stay that way though, its actually a lot different than book 1, there is more action, enemies become friends, new character's are introduced, What I especially liked about this book was the newly made friendship between Roseline and Nicolae. It was nice to see him go from creepy to a close friend and someone she became able to depend on in her journey to try and find Gabriel. Also as you know in book 1 (if you have read it) Roseline turned Gabriel at the end, but we find out he is much more than just an Immortal, I'm not gonna say what he is because I don't wanna spoil too much. But he is basically thrust into a whole other world and he has to learn this world and how to survive it or he will die. He basically has to learn who he really is. Another pivotal point was when Roseline FINALLY gets her revenge on Vladamir, and she got it good. Fane plays a big part in Roseline's part of the book, which at first he is none too happy about, but he get's over it I guess you could say and again becomes the one who wants to protect Roseline. I feel bad for him considering his feelings for her, but not too bad because I'm team Gabriel all the way! HAHA. The book switches between Roseline's point of view and Gabriel's since they are in separate places at the moment. One thing I did miss in this book was my Roseline/Gabriel romance, but, that being said, it didn't make me like the book any less.
Overall, if you liked book 1, you will like this book, lots of twists, lots more action. I will definitely continue the series as I can't wait to find out what happens with these characters.
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