Review of the Year - Part One

By Sue15cat

I don't always do a review of the year but this year both to refresh my memory of the year just gone, and to have a good excuse to go back and look at old Blog posts I have decided to go with the flow.
I apologize if you are one of the readers who is currently reading through the entire Blog from the very beginning to current day (and I really applaud your stamina),  there are quite a few of you at the moment if I check up on the Stats, no doubt some of you will just be reading what I am about to highlight about this year.
I've decided to simply choose my favorite photo, or the one I feel sums up the months best, from each month and I'll split the review over the next couple of posts.  You can go to the original post the picture is from simply by clicking on the month written underneath it.
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So to start us off the first photo is my favorite photo from January,  it is simply Mavis and Ginger cuddled in together on the sofa.  Mavis has come on so much this year, she has been to hell and back - twice, but now she is safe at home where she belongs.  To me this photo says so much but mainly that at last she felt she had a friend, a safe place to sleep and a home to call her own.
Her story started HERE a few days before this photo was taken..

This photo sums up February so well.
We were just getting used to the wetness of our corner of North Wales, jobs were started in sunshine and yet minutes later the heavens would open and gale force winds would appear from nowhere.  Occasionally we would down tools and head back to the house, but after so many jobs beginning this way we learned to just grit our teeth and work through it.

March saw us adding finishing touches to the house ... most of them green :-)
It was nice to be getting the rooms to how we wanted them to be after our three months of decorating and renovating before moving in.  It took actually living here properly to show us where the color needed to be and how we wanted the rooms to really look.  And by March we were really beginning to feel at home here.
April. May and June will be tomorrow.
Sue xx