My son is a big fan of mini Shredded Wheat so I've been meaning to buy their flavoured versions for awhile now. There's also a Cherry Bakewell flavor available in this range which are now in regular cereal boxes rather than bags.

The Nestlé Shredded Wheat Apple Crumble is described as a bitesized whole wheat cereal with apple filling and a vanilla flavor nutty crumble topping. The nutty topping contains peanuts and 'other nut's'.

The crumble topping gives each bite a sweet biscuity type flavor. However, I couldn't detect any vanilla (or nuttiness so the addition of nuts seems a bit pointless). The apple flavor is quite strong, despite the small amount of filling in each Shredded Wheat, which adds a tangy fruitiness. The overall flavor is pleasing enough, it's nicely fruity and quite sweet. I think they are slightly disappointing in terms of the 'Apple Crumble' theme as they don't quite have the right flavor. I would have loved to see the addition of cinnamon in the crumble topping and some more apple filling to really boost the overall flavor.
Grocery Gems Review: Shredded Wheat Apple Crumble
RATING: 7 out of 10.
Buy them again?: Maybe.
Purchased: Ocado
Price: £2.49p.
Check out my previous cereal reviews:
Nestlé Cheerios Cinnamon Oat Crisp Cereal
Nestlé Spooky Cinnamon Shreddies